Thursday, August 27, 2020
full metal jacket Essay -- essays research papers fc
Full Metal Jacket and Platoon are plainly two of the greatest films at any point made about the Vietnam War; in this way, they will consistently be thoroughly analyzed to one another. Detachment depended on Oliver Stone’s own understanding so he utilized straightforward war film methods to give a reasonable feeling of what wilderness fighting resembled. Kubrick’s Full Metal Coat depended on Gustav Hasford’s experience, however Kubrick needed to utilize the story to investigate what made individuals into executioners. These two movies adopt totally different strategies also, on the off chance that we are to analyze them it ought to be in the ability to comprehend what war implies to the normal individual. Both of the movies are extremely point by point in delineating what genuine fighting resembles; be that as it may, Detachment gives an incredible feeling of nature: hopelessly hot, amazingly extraordinary, illness filled, and a frightening situation nobody would promptly need to visit. Full Metal Jacket investigates this as well, however concentrates a great deal consideration on the procedure and preparing associated with getting ready for war. These two movies are a ton the same in two viewpoints: the two of them see the war essentially through the eyes of one warrior and the two of them truly praise war and make it show up charming. Both have solid male leads who it shows up live in a weird manly domain where regular principles don't really apply to ordinary individuals. This idea is continually speaking to guys in light of the fact that regardless of whether they were never in battle they feel as though they have â€Å"experienced†it. Both ...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dell Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dell Inc - Essay Example The power of the purchaser rotates around the relative quality which the purchaser can apply on the business through the course of business exchanges. The Force of the Buyer can likewise be applied to the business regarding thinking about the business as a purchaser from its providers, For each situation, be that as it may, the overall quality of the organization, both when feeling the power purchasers apply on it, and as it purchases from providers, is moderately frail. Neither the organization nor the shoppers can apply an elevated level of purchasing power on the organization As indicated by Porter, the intensity of the purchaser is solid when the individuals who purchase from the organization, or the organization as a purchaser, exist in a restricted commercial center. As such, when the organization exists as a purchaser from providers, and the organization is the main purchaser, or one of a set number of purchasers of explicit merchandise and enterprises. (Doorman, 1980) A case of this kind of relationship could be the Department of Defense as a purchaser from safeguard temporary workers actually is the main purchaser of merchandise and ventures with the end goal of our nations resistance. (, 2004) For this situation, the purchaser has monopolistic control over the venders, and can direct what it needs and the amount it is eager to pay. Be that as it may, no such constrained imposing business model exists in the PC commercial center. ... Created as a vital reaction to the web, Dell propelled a plan of action which concentrated on 'work to arrange' PCs. As opposed to think about what its clients needed, and assembling stock which was then put away in stockrooms until requested, Dell built up a coordinated flexibly chain the board framework, and afterward went to the customer and permitted the end client to drive producing. The organization concentrated on associating with the shopper's prompt wants, and afterward assembling exactly what was requested. For Dell, this choice cut expenses, and expanded the speed at which the organization could work. As indicated by Bossidy and Charan (2002) Dell turned into the market chief with this plan of action. The organization turned its stock 80 times each year, as opposed to multiple times which is the run of the mill stock turnover pace of its rivals. Through this methodology, dell got known as the market head as far as getting the customer precisely what the individual needed, on schedule, precisely, and with ease. This situated Dell to encounter the achievement which it is presently battling to cling to. In any case, this doesn't make Dell a solid purchaser as a purchaser of products and ventures when contrasted with its opposition. Dell, HP, IBM, and Sun Microsystems are on the whole buyers of comparative items. While the organizations may have their own eccentricities regarding what explicit parts and pieces they buy, they are largely buying similar kinds of items, and accordingly all have comparative degrees of intensity in the commercial center as a purchaser. Dell may have a bigger force in the commercial center than its rivals due to their more elevated level of volume it devours. In any case, the organization isn't a selective
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lord of the Ring Essay Topics
Lord of the Ring Essay TopicsIf you are looking for a topic for your Lord of the Ring Essay, then this guide will give you some useful suggestions. We'll take a look at what is available and the criteria you should consider when choosing which essay topics to choose.Writing about a particular character is one of the easiest essay topics to choose from. Many students have a great deal of affection for Frodo Baggins. What better way to express yourself than through a Lord of the Rings Essay?Writing about one of the events in the story can also be a lot of fun. For example, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields has always been one of the most exciting moments in Lord of the Rings. You can spend hours discussing the true meaning of Bilbo's 'turn'. It's a brilliant opportunity to show you're not afraid to show your thoughts in a clear and coherent manner.A thesis or main argument is key to any essay. Tolkien was writing in a different age, when he wrote his works. There is no question that he had great insights into ancient mythology. But it was the modern day writers that took those ideas and used them to great effect.One of the easier essay topics is the history of Middle Earth. You can discuss how Tolkien developed and changed the mythology over the years. You can even go so far as to provide references that show why you think these changes were necessary. This is a good way to ensure that your essay remains clear and precise.You don't necessarily have to write about your own thoughts. Often, the questions you have are covered in the essay. In order to keep it concise, you can make reference to them. You can provide information from other sources as well.Another one of the essay topics to consider is religion. In this regard, you should know that you can use other sources. This is not always an easy task but when you study Tolkien's writings, you'll learn that he was a strong supporter of the 'belief in God'. And you can use this theme to help support your own points of view.One last point to make is that it's okay to use someone else's characters as your own. We all love to be able to take something from someone else's story. If you do that, it's only natural that you'll adapt it to your own needs.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Key Minds That Made Chemistry Essay - 831 Words
When was Chemistry invented so to speak? Well the answer is that no one truly knows the exact date. It was thought be discovered around the time of 3,000 B.C., but was considered more of an art at the time rather than a science. Anyway the history of Chemistry is long and has no end in sight, so rather than try and fit that in a paper let’s discuss some of the key minds that made Chemistry what it is today. Lets start with Joseph Gay-Lussac; he was a French physicist that was born in 1778. In 1801 he did a study, which resulted in the publication of what is today called â€Å"Charles Law.†The reason for the law being named after Charles and not Joseph is due to the fact that Jacques Charles originally came up with this theory 15†¦show more content†¦Berzelius was not a man of one talent though; he also applied his skills to mineralogy, where he classified minerals by the chemical composition. What made this man who he was, was based on his synthesis threw the process of dualism, which is a line of thinking that can be traced back to his or Davy’s original electrochemical investigation. All in all this man made a huge contribution to the history of chemistry and what we use in todays day and time. The third chemist I want to refer to be Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, the man who charted the first periodic table. Although it had undergone many modifications it is probably the most used tool in science classrooms around the world to this date. Dmitri was a Russian chemist who was born in 1834 in Siberia. In Heidelberg he made his first mark in chemistry history by helping create the principle for critical temperature for gas while working with a chemist that goes by the name of Gustav Kirchhoff. But back to the periodic table, it was first presented in The Journal of Russian Physical Chemistry, after Dmitri showed the table to the Russian Chemical Society. He may not have many achievements to show for his efforts, but he does have one o f the most important of all time to this day, and probably for thousands of years to come. The forth chemist I would like toShow MoreRelatedMy Interview Subject : Neerav Patel, And The Purchase Of A Textbook, General Chemistry And Energetics944 Words  | 4 Pagesabout was the purchase of a textbook, General Chemistry and Energetics. In order to better understand how Neerav came to choose this textbook, I sat down with him to go through his decision making process. Laddering and associative map were two additional techniques used to discern his decision-making process. The subject Neerav was asked why he wanted to buy this product, and he responded that this product category was required to be used in his Chemistry class. When shopping (online) for his textbookRead MoreSide Effects: Why drugs Are Poision Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagessome old hermit locked away in an arakic lab is trying to turn lead to gold. Im referring to the part of alchemy that later become modern chemistry. Alchemy has many parts to it one of which was medicine making. Alchemist would brake down plants into what they believed to was the three basic parts. Alchemist believe that everything that is in world was made up of three parts Mercury or the soul, Sulfur or the sprit, and Salt or the body. A cording to Real Alchemy: A Primer in Practical alchemyRead MoreWhy I Want Pursue A Career1744 Words  | 7 Pagespursue is pharmacy. There are many reasons as to why I want to pursue a career in pharmacy. For one, I have three cousins who has a career in the medical field a nd are very successful right now. Another reason is because of my aunt and uncle. They have made me realize that being either a doctor or pharmacist is a very good career to pursue because I can be a role model to their kids and that would want them to pursue a similar career. Basically I’ve been convinced to go for a career in the medical fieldRead MoreThe Radioactive Boy Scout By David Hahn1051 Words  | 5 Pageslater, his mother s property was cleaned up by the Environmental Protection Agency. Key Idea 1 Growing up in suburban Detroit, David Hahn was fascinated by science. He often conducted experiments in his basement and enjoyed making things such as homemade fireworks, brewing moonshine, and even making his own self-tanning lotion. Hahn especially loved chemistry and spent much of his time doing amateur chemistry experiments. The chemical reactions in these experiments sometimes went wrong and resultedRead MoreReflection Paper For Chemistry748 Words  | 3 Pagesanswers, matching each letter to the answer key. â€Å"YES, 800!†, I exclaimed, tallying his practice exam. Seeing him to the door, I couldn’t help but admire the glow of satisfaction on his face. I lean against the cool metal, letting my mind rewind to the preparation sessions for the subject test. To be part of an individual’s change is satisfying, but to enable his change is enlightening. As a self-proclaimed chemistry fanatic, I tutor AP/honors chemistry. I’ve taught an array of freshmen and sophomoreRead MoreFrom The Alternative Reflection1360 Words  | 6 Pagesthe best option, and how negotiation is a key principle in teaching. While reading the first journal, it brought me back to my own experiences throughout my thirteen years in public schooling. I am taken back to the days when I had Mr. Perkins, my Sophomore English teacher. He was intelligent, knowledgeable, and very kind. This made him the best teacher that I have ever had. I am also taken back to the days when I had Mrs. Brooks, my Sophomore Chemistry teacher. She was very corny, overly confidentRead MoreEssay Understanding Brain Chemistry1220 Words  | 5 PagesUnderstanding Brain Chemistry What is it that makes us human? Is it our actions, our sense of purpose, or our ability to keep our mind on as well as perform complex tasks? Is it that we analyze our own mental processes, as well as the processes of others? What exactly is a mental state, and what creates it? Is it a level of attentiveness, an impulse, or an emotional state? What is it that allows us to experience these things? The answers all lie within our brains. The brain, like the restRead MoreThe Big Bang Theory1488 Words  | 6 Pages Chemistry is seen everywhere, and provides the building blocks to matter. Since the dawn of intelligent life, humans have asked the age old question, â€Å"Where do we come from†. Many have thought of elaborate reasons or explanations to answer this including what we know as Ancient mythology and, to some, modern religion. As society progresses in the field of science, and we expand our knowledge of space these â€Å"explanations†hold less veracity. We now have intelligent explanations for things like wavesRead MoreHow to be a Nerd - Original Writing Essay667 Words  | 3 PagesWednesdays and Fridays and coach soccer before practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. With all these items in mind, it may seem impossible to do all the tasks listed above and be able to be sane and hold myself together. Well just look at me, I guess it is possible to fit everything in (since I sleep in classes in which we have to read, listen, or do nothing in which I can not keep my mind entertained and start to fall asleep and snore in class, sorry Mrs. Cerrone and all others thatRead MoreMeth : A Popular Drugs992 Words  | 4 PagesBemis Chemistry Prof Blatchly 12/15/15 Meth in the U.S Crystal Meth is a very popular drugs in the U.S. Meth is easy to make and is highly desirable because of the high it gives. Meth is very devastating to the body and to the mind of users. Addicts suffer greatly as the drug truly take a toll on their bodies. Chemicals needed to make meth can be found at any CVS or pharmacy in the country. Over the counter meds are they key to making
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today
The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today The use of steroids in our society today is very common, that is with prescription. But that is not the kind of steroids I am talking about, I am talking about Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a very sensitive issue in the world of sports today. Even though the side effects are life threatening, men and woman alike continue to submit their bodies to this illegal drug. Anabolic steroids are taken either through pills or injected directly into the blood stream with a needle. In 1994, 1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5 percent of the adult population, said that they had use anabolic steroids, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Household†¦show more content†¦There is orally or injected. Most athletes and other abusers take them typically in cycles of weeks or months, rather than continuously, in patterns called cycling. Cycling involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a specific period of time, stopping for a peri od, and starting again. In addition, users frequently combine several different types of steroids to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, a process known as stacking (NIDA July/August 1997). A lot of people associate steroids with body builders. I made the same assumption that is until I researched this paper. In the 18-34 age group, about 1 percent had ever used steroids, for ages 35 and older, that figure went down to .2 percent. More men than women had used the drugs: 0.9 percent of men and 0.2 percent of women said they had ever taken steroids. NIDA’s Monitoring the Future study has tracked anabolic steroid use among middle school and high school students in the United States since 1989. From 1989 to 1996, there was a slight, gradual decline in the number of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders who had ever used steroids or uses them in the past year. In 1996, 1.8 percent to 2.4 percent of these students had ever use steroids, and 0.9 percent to 1.5 percent had used them in the last year (NIDA September 1997). Under Federal law it is illegal to possess or distribute anabolic steroids of any sort. So who are these people getting this illegalShow MoreRelated Steroids and Sports Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesSteroids and Sports Steroids, ever since their introduction into the sports world five decades ago, they have been a controversial issue (WebMD medical news). Anabolic performance dates as far back as the original Olympic Games. Today walking into any gym you will find some one who is using steroids or some kind of enhancement supplement. Anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes from high School level all the way up to the top. For the past fifty years, athletes around the world use steroidsRead More The Use of Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1507 Words  | 7 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on the topic of steroids and performance enhancing substances that are used today in sports. In this paper I hope to focus on the steroids and performance enhancing drugs and how they have become a problem in sports.      An anabolic steroid is a substance that is related to male sex hormones, known as testosterone. The word â€Å"Anabolic†means muscle building. The word â€Å"steroids†is just referred to as a drug name or a class of drug. Some athletes have made the decisionRead MoreThe Effects Of Steroids On The Human Body, Steroids Sports, And Reasons Why People Use Steroids1251 Words  | 6 PagesJared Hipsher Mrs. Sexton 3-26-15 English 10 Steroids Jared Hipsher 3-26-2015 English 10 Mrs. Sexton Steroids Thesis : The history of steroids, the affects of steroids on the human body, steroids in sports, and reasons why people use steroids, are all things I ve wanted to know for a long time now I am going to further my knowledge on this topic. Introduction About A. Types 1. Anabolic 2. Corticosteroids III. History A. 1954 1. Weight liftingRead MoreThe Increasing Epidemic of Steroids621 Words  | 3 Pages Steroids As the popularity of sports continues to increase in society, so has the use of performance enhancing drugs, primarily anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids increase the amount of testosterone in the body which allows for increased muscular development. These drugs have been known to be used in all kinds of different sports. Athletes will use these drugs to try to please fans, receive a large contract, and to try to keep up with the players who are already using these drugs. This is creatingRead MoreAnabolic Steroids : A Fatal Attraction1734 Words  | 7 PagesAnabolic Steroids in Sports The market for top performing athletes in sports in the 21st century is a competitive one. Athletes are pushed to, be stronger, an heal from injuries faster. With the pressure to do well and get picked up by a professional team of sorts goes without saying that hard work is a must to elevate ones professional athletic career, but what if one has reached a plateau or hit a wall in a training regimen and just can not seem to push through? When some athletes hit the proverbialRead MoreThe Steroids Epidemic Essay999 Words  | 4 Pages What is the first thing that comes to mind when steroids are discussed? Is it positive? Negative? What comes to mind for me is the vision of an extremely large man with bulging muscles like we see in bodybuilding competitions. These types of images are becoming extremely commonplace in society today, and also increasingly disturbing considering just a few short years ago the ‘bodybuilder’s body’ was just a niche in the sports world. But what drove this movement? There is no way toRead MoreThe Abuse of Anabolic Steriods648 Words  | 3 PagesAccording to Yavari (2009), conventionally, anabolic steroids were used to boost athletic performance and appearance by increasing muscle growth while decreasing fat. These steroids essentially raise androgenic testosterone levels within the body therefore, promoting faster muscle growth. However, today these performance enhancing drugs are no longer a preserve for bodybuilders and professional athletes. Instead they are widely by people across all age groups. Students from middle-school to high-schoolRead MoreSteroids and Other Performance Enhancers Essay1191 Words  | 5 PagesThe issue over steroids and other performance enhancer drugs has been a recent topic in the sports world. The debate over whether or not to punish those who have been caught using has been a major topic recently, as well as the legalization of these drugs. When arising the que stion of whether or not to legalize steroids, many positive and negative factors are brought to the table, and in effect could change various aspects of our normal day lives. Anabolic steroids are a class of naturalRead MoreEssay about Professional Athletes and Enhacer Drugs1338 Words  | 6 Pagesmore drugs than any other sport. I hate how athletes today take enhancement drugs to make them better in sports. (The use of performance-enhancing drugs is becoming relatively mainstream. Approximately 3 million people in the United States have used anabolic steroids (Silver 2001), with usage rates as high as 12% among young men and 2% among young women (Bahrke, Yesalis Brower 1998). Not only are newscasts filled with reports of steroid use by both Olympic and professional athletes, but studiesRead MoreAre Steroids as Bad as We Think?1132 Words  | 5 PagesAre Steroids Bad? Anabolic steroids are one of the most thought about drugs when talking about gaining weight and muscle. Steroids have been around for years and athletes today continue to use these illegal performance enhancing drugs. But are they really that bad for you? Steroids not only have terrible side effects but they are also becoming more and more common around the world today with pro icons using them and the existence of them. People use steroids for many reasons whether it is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Views Of Nature Expressed By Emerson And Thoreau
Analyze the views of nature expressed by Emerson and Thoreau in this week’s readings. Then compare and contrast them to one another. You might also want to apply these themes of nature overall thought of the Transcendentalists as a genre or discipline. Transcendentalism reports an easy idea that people fairly and evenly have ability about themselves, what’s around them and that goes above, â€Å"transcends†what people can do beyond their five senses. There are people that believe in themselves to endure their very own power on what is correct or what they feel is right. A transcendentalism is a person that obtain those ideas but not for religious reasons but for an approach of accepting life’s relationships. A group consist of citizens that was affiliated with a new process of thinking, would meet in Emerson home in Boston and they were called Transcendental Club. Margaret Fuller was the editor of their own publication called â€Å"The Dial.†She was also known as a radical and a feminist. The leader of the Transcendental Club was Ralph Waldo Emerson (Perkins). Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered to be the â€Å"All American†thinker. He advised Americans not seek into Europe for insight and stimulation. He asked for them to be themselves in his legendary essay â€Å"The American Scholar.†Emerson believed that people are commonly pleasant and people’s future was boundless. He attempted to influence his associates to seek in themselves character ability and effort for the solution ofShow MoreRelatedHow Does One Find the Miraculous in the Common? Essay example1187 Words  | 5 Pagespoet Ralph Waldo Emerson would call the previous statement a fallacy. This is due to his belief of finding the miraculous in the common as â€Å"the invariable mark of wisdom†. Emerson along with Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard all answered in regards to finding such miracles. These three authors have displayed their reasoning in their popular works. With the works of Self Reliance and Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson defined how one would find the miraculous in the ordinary. Emerson does not pose whatRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson And Thoreau975 Words  | 4 Pagesoptimistic outlook. It stress an importance of nature. That has a valued a feeling over reason. A following of the heart rather than the mind. Also the setting apart from society. There are two who comes to mind; Thoreau and Emerson. Where Emerson and Thoreau were clear examples of Bright Romanticism exemplified by the inclusion of nature, a positive view of mankind, and a poetic style that broke traditional method. Ralph Waldo Emerson exemplified him being a clear examples of BrightRead MoreTranscendentalism And Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau807 Words  | 4 Pagesambassadors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and apprentice Henry David Thoreau. These men believed nature is what forces us not to depend on other ideas but to develop our own. Born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25, 1803 as the fourth child in a family of eight, Ralph Waldo Emerson was brought up in an atmosphere where seven of his ancestors were ministers, and his father, William Emerson (who died when Emerson was eight), was minister of the First Church (Unitarian) of Boston. Emerson graduated in 1821, atRead More Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar Essay1154 Words  | 5 PagesOneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar  Some of the most prominent works which express a relationship between the individual and nature are undoubtedly Walden by Henry David Thoreau and the essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, specifically Nature and The American Scholar. In each of these works, an idea of wholeness, oneness, with nature is expressed. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that man, in order to live a full, happy life, must live in harmony with nature. Both writers shareRead MoreEmerson Thoreau and Individualism in Society Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are still considered two of the most influential writers of their time. Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was a lecturer, essayist, and poet, Henry David Thoreau is his student, who was also a great essayist and critics. Both men extensively studied and embraced nature, and both men encouraged and practiced individualism and nonconformity. In Ralph Waldo Emersons essay Self Reliance and Henry David Thoreaus book Walden and es say Resistance to Civil GovernmentRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words  | 4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most inspiring and accomplished writers to ever walk upon this Earth. They dared to question how people lived and how people should live. They were light years ahead of their time with their transcendentalist ideas. Transcendentalism can be defined by this quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation forRead MoreTranscendentalism Is Not A Beneficial Way Of Life1403 Words  | 6 Pagespeace. Thoreau’s â€Å"Walden†is about leaving the cities, abandoning one’s possessions and living out in nature to find one s true self. Emerson’s â€Å"Self- Reliance†is about resisting society and living true to oneself and ne ver following society’s standards. A modern Transcendentalist named Josh from the novel The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashjian follows in the footsteps of Emerson and Thoreau and tries to live a Transcendentalist way of life. When a person does follow the transcendentalistRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism730 Words  | 3 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism Transcendentalism was a movement in writing that took place in the mid-nineteenth century. It formed in the early to mid nineteenth century and reached it climax around 1850 during an era commonly referred to as the American Renaissance, America’s Golden Day, or the Flowering of New England. The basic tenets of Transcendentalism involve the relationships between one’s self and the world at large. First, the searchRead MoreThe Great Traversers By Ralph Waldo Emerson2868 Words  | 12 Pagestranscendental ideas, as presented by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau) In this spirit I have just discovered Emerson. For forty years I have known something about him, of courseâ€â€that he was a mystical philosopher; the apostle of transcendentalism in America†¦.†(Abbot, lines 9-10). From within the text of the author of this quote, it can be seen the shear praise and gratitude held for a man by the name of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson as mentioned in the quote, is considered to be theRead MoreThe Literary Movement of Transcendentalism Essay examples872 Words  | 4 Pagesand communicated with nature to find union with the Over-Soul. When this occurred, one was cleansed of materialistic aims, and was left with a sense of self-reliance and purity. Two authors who were among the leaders of the movement were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, whose works quot;Naturequot;, quot;Self-Reliancequot;, and quot;Waldenquot; brought America to the forefront of the transcendentalist movement. Their ideas opposed the popular materialist views of life and voiced a
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Issues in International Business Cultural Environment
Question: Discuss about the Issues in International Business for Cultural Environment. Answer: Introduction This report contains a comprehensive description of Australian business cultural environment. Australia has a comparatively higher standard of living. It generally welcomes foreign direct investments and provides regulatory framework for investors to make them feel confident and secure. The report is designed to give an insight into some of the unique cultural components of Australia, which attract foreign companies to do business in Australia. Moreover, the report comments on the cultural differences between Australia and Singapore as typical examples of Western and Eastern cultures in the Asia-Pacific region. Finally, it points out various factors that the Singaporean companies need to consider in order to operate effectively in Australia. Rationale Australia is the 12th largest economy in the world (Offord et al., 2015). More than 1,000 foreign companies operate in Australia like British airways, Virgin, BP and so on. Along with these characteristics, the most important factor that makes the author to move from his home country Singapore, to do business in Australia is that, it provides a safe and low-risk environment for businesses and offers a lot of opportunities, in terms of growth, innovation and talented workforce for businesses to become successful. The author wants to visit Australia to explore the impact of nature of Australian corporate culture on foreign businesses. This would help him in taking right decision to have a permanent establishment in the country. A Detailed Cultural Analysis of Australia Australia is one of the best-performing economies in the world and is placed at a good position in terms of cultural aspect (Hunter, and Biddle, 2012). Here, a detailed analysis of cultural environment of Australia has been made in order to understand its work-related values and other cultural backgrounds which will help the foreign companies to take right decision. The explanation of eight major cultural components of the country is described as follows: Physical environment: Australias physical environment is favourable and provides opportunities for the companies to grow and prosper (Strigel, 2012). The political system of the country is relatively stable, which attracts foreign companies to invest in with lower rate of risk (Head et al., 2015). Australia has specific laws which regulate bribery and corruption issues, in order to protect investors interests. The entire worlds climate is found in the country. Its GDP has also been increased in 2016, by 3.2%. It has enormous natural resources like coal, iron, copper, natural gas, uranium and various sources of energy. It has a liberal-capitalistic democracy, which means that the state interferes in the economy in various matters. It has lower unemployment and public debts. Moreover, only 10% tax rate is imposed on sale of most goods and services and a very nominal tax rate is charged on exporting activities in Australia (Austin and Huang, 2011). However, non-residents earning in Australia is subject to hi gher tax regime. There is a strong awareness among the people in the country about water, air and land pollution. In addition, the policy of free trade agreements indicates a competitive advantage for the economy. Values and attitudes: Australia is a product of new beliefs and traditions, which encourage innovation, experiments and risk taking. It is a multi-cultural country as it is a collection of diverse people. Australians are enthusiastic adopters of technology (McKeown, 2016). All Australians have the right to express their culture and beliefs and also have the freedom to enjoy Australias national life. They are friendly in nature and open-minded. There exists equality for men and women, respect for equal worth and peacefulness. In Australian companies, being punctual is critical. Australian business people take punctuality seriously and are efficient and profit-oriented. The work weak consists of five working days with longer working hours but working environment in the companies tends to be good. They take personal responsibility for the consequences of their efforts and show complete honesty in their commitments. They value honesty and it is reflected in their work (Solomon et al., 2012). Drinking wine is very common in Australia but in offices it is allowed only on special occasions. Australians respect people having strong views, even if they dont agree fully. There is a positive response to the cultural changes in the country. Manners and Customs: In Australia, greetings among people are casual and relaxed, with a handshake and a smile. They used to be informal in their day-to-day interactions, but they tend to be formal in professional situations (Montagu, 2013). The dress code for business people in the country differ according to the location and situation. Generally, it consists of dark-coloured, conservative business suit for both men and women. Offering gifts is not the custom of the Australian corporate culture, as it is often seen as bribery. However, if someone is invited to the home then, bringing small gifts like flowers, chocolates and wine is common. It is customary to use words please, thank you, excuse-me and sorry, while having conversation with either friends or strangers and while conducting business transactions. Sports are a national passion in Australia (Keen, 2010). Playing Beach cricket and backyard in the summer is popular among Australians. Education: Traditions, beliefs and customs are transferred to the Australian people through parenting, schooling and group membership (Crossley, 2015). Higher education offers well-paid jobs in the country. Students studying in Australia, get great advantage from countrys innovative technology and research resources. Education in Australia also includes promoting peace and serving justice. Degrees obtained from Australian Universities and Institutions are recognizes all over the world. Australian government keeps evaluating these universities to make sure that they are maintaining high standards. Today, Australians are more highly educated than ever before. Personal communication: Australians prefer modes of communication according to their cultural background and upbringing (Burgess et al., 2014). They are little more familiar facial expressions, tone and body language than other countries. For example, while making conversation, eye-contact is essential. It demonstrates attention, involvement and sincerity. Social structure: Australian society is generally a collection of young diverse people and is relatively more liberal. Social classes in the country are divided into three categories, i.e. working class, middle class and upper class (Uhlmann, 2016). However, class cant be identified by cars, clothes and living circumstances. Way of speech, participation in sports, consumption patterns, etc are the useful indicators of class. It is also allowed for people to move between classes from one generation to another. It is not customary in the corporate culture of the society to make social contact with customers outside the office. In Australia, no one is discriminated on the basis of its cultural heritage, religious belief, gender, or language. Everyone is assessed on the basis of are character (Jang, 2015). Many people who migrate to Australia feel a strong sense of belonging to Australia and gradually get attached to its beliefs and values. Religion: There is no official religion of Australia and people are free to practice any religion, they wish, provided that they do not break the law (Grim et al., 2015). However it is basically describes as Christian country. Extensive migration from different parts of the world has given this nation an identity of religiously diverse society. People in the country enjoy freedom of religion and all religions and faiths like Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and Hindus are equally respected in the country. Also 19% of the Australians have no religion. Every religious community has its own place of worship. Aesthetics: Australian culture is basically a Western culture, mainly derived from Britain. Music is an integral part of Australian culture. Didgeridoo is the most famous feature of Aboriginal music (Sb, 2016). However, they have also turned to Western popular music forms for commercial success. Architecture is also predominant throughout the country. It includes Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Port Arthur in Tasmania, and Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne and many more. The National Trust of Australia is in charge of Australias built heritage. Aboriginal rock art is the oldest tradition of Australia. Australian foremost landscape painters include John Glover and Eugene Von Guerard. Australian schools of painting are associated with Heidelberg school of late 1800s. Dance is also an important part of Australian culture (Nah and Tan, 2016). In many states of the country, various youth dance companies have been established, providing opportunity for youngsters to participate in dance. It gives them a broad understanding of artistic process. Moreover, theatrical and dramatic aspects are also found in Australian cultural ceremonies and they have experienced a new sense of national identity. Comparision of Business Culture of Austrlia With That of Singapore In Australian culture, business people are polite and speak of their minds. But they are less aggressive and are more compatible with their colleagues (Bharati and Pratyush, 2010). In Singapore, interpersonal communication is primarily influenced by Western culture. Here, people are argumentative, even if the matter is controversial. Australian work culture give more priority to individual needs while, Singaporean culture mainly focus on organisational needs rather than individual needs. Working hours: Another big corporate cultural difference between two countries is working hours. In Singapore, working hours are longer than that of Australia. Particularly in the field of architecture, working hours are longest and quite harsh in Singapore. On the other hand, in Australia, things happen quicker in daily operations (Spoehr, and Jain, 2012). On the other hand, in Singapore, business deals are completed at slower pace. Greeting: Since Singapore is a multi-ethnic society, greetings are based on the ethnic origin. For example, Muslim men do not shake hands with women. However, Western culture of shaking hands with everyone (except older and more reserved Singaporeans) is widely accepted in the country by younger people and people working in multi-nationals (Sirgy et al., 2015). On the other hand, shaking hands is a common practice in Australia, before and after the business meeting. If anyone refuses to shake hands, when offered, it is considered rude. Negotiations: When it comes to meetings and negotiations, Australians businesspeople are more relaxed and calm and willing to share information. Here, negotiations happen quickly. On the other hand, business negotiations take place at a slow pace in Singapore and follow the strict hierarchy (Lee 2010). They are a little bit tough on price and deadlines. Decision-making: In Singapore, business decision making involves agreement of majority of the people in the group (Chhokar et al., 2013). On the other hand, in Australia decisions are taken by the top management of the company. Business meeting etiquette: In Singapore, appointments are made before at least two weeks (Djajadikerta and Zhang, (2015). While in Australia, appointments are relatively easy to schedule. Gift giving etiquette: In Singapore, flowers are not considered appropriate for gifting as they are given to the sick people and used at funerals. However, one can gift sweets, fruits or cake saying that it is for the children and gifts are not opened when received (Aung and Myo, 2015). On the other hand, in Australia, it is considered polite to bring chocolates or flowers when invited to someones house and gifts are opened when received. Dress code: In business culture of Singapore, businesspeople wear dark or light-coloured long-sleeved shirts and dark trousers with no tie and no jackets or blazers whereas women tend to wear blouses, skirts or dressy slacks (Sharkey, 2012). On the other hand, in Australia, business attire for men is a dark-coloured black or navy suit with white shirt and a tie and for women, it is skirt or trouser with white blouse. Hofstedes Six Cultural Dimension Theory Hofstedes cultural dimension theory is a model which illustrates cross-cultural communications among different national societies. It describes the effects of bringing together various groups of people having different preferences and values (Piepenburg, 2011). It is the most valuable pieces of work in the field of international business management (IBM) which evaluates how values in workplace are influenced by culture and helps in better decision-making. This model assists the organisations in operating effectively across cultures. Hofstedes model contains six cultural dimensions, which are: Here, a meaningful analysis of Australian culture has been made, using Hofstedes cultural dimension theory. In addition, some factors are also discussed which foreign countries (here, Singapore) should consider to operate business in Australia successfully. Power Distance: The term power distance deals with the issue of human inequality. It indicates the extent by which less powerful people accept that power is spread unequally (Robbins, 2014). People having high power distance generally accept autocratic power relations and unequal distribution of power, while people having low power distance question and expect to participate in decisions taken by the authority that affect them. Australia scores 36 in this dimension, which is lower as compared to that of Singapore. It indicates that managers and employees in Australian companies expect to be consulted and involved in decision-making process. If Singapore wishes to do business in Australia, it needs to delegate its power and authorities to employees as much as possible. Also, the top management should involve employees in all those decision-making processes which may affect employees directly. Individualism: It indicates the degree of interpersonal connection between the individuals and social groups. Higher individualism represents individualist culture. In individualist culture, people take care of themselves and their family only (Newman, 2014). They live with I mentality and emphasize on individual achievements. Lower individualism represents collectivistic culture, in which people emphasize more on groups and We mentality, exists there. Decisions are taken which are best for the entire group rather than any particular person. Australia scores 90 in this dimension, which indicates highly individualistic culture in the country. It means that Australians give more importance to their personal goals and freedom. Since, individualism is high in Australia, it is important for Singaporean companies to let employees to express their own ideas and appreciate individual accomplishments in order to encourage them. Masculinity: Masculinity places value on ambition, power and material goods. A high masculine society generally has more difference between genders and tends to be more competitive (Newman, 2014). In contrast, lower masculinity represents feminine society, in which more emphasis is on quality of life and relationship building. Australia has high level of masculinity (61), which shows that it places more value on money and material gains. Therefore, if a Singaporean company wants to operate business in Australia, it should recognize that it is operating in a hierarchical, deferential and traditionally patriarchal society. Here, long-hours are the norm and this can make difficult for female members to gain advancement, due to family commitments. Uncertainty Avoidance: This dimension reflects societys tolerance for uncertainty and the ways by which members of the society deals with future unknown changes and threats (Shackleton, and Ali, 1990). Australia scores moderate, i.e. 51 in this dimension, which shows that business culture of Australia, is tolerant of uncertainty and there are very few rules and regulations to cope up with the anxiety of unexpected events. Singaporean companies should encourage employees to become more open to different approaches but at the same time, it should be ensured that people remain focussed and do not create too much structure. Singaporean companies also need to recognize and learn Australian unspoken expectations in order to function there in a better way. Long Term Orientation: This dimension represents the extent to which members of a society deals with their present and future challenges while linking them with their past. Long term orientation shows that people see time as linear and looks to the future rather than the past or the present. It is goal-oriented and values rewards (Shi, and Wang, 2011). On the other hand, short-term orientation is characterized with emphasizing on respect for tradition, personal steadiness and stability. Australia scores very low (21) in this dimension which means that it is a normative cultural society. Australians fosters on achieving quick results and care more about immediate gratification than long-term fulfilment. Singaporean companies may need to sell themselves to be taken seriously, in order to operate effectively in Australian normative culture (Gulsrud, 2014). Here, people are less willing to compromise as it would be seen as weakness. Singaporean companies may need to promote self-enhancement of employees and value their short-term gains. Indulgence: Indulgence cultural societies are more concerned with optimism, personal life control and freedom of speech (McSweeney, 2002). Low indulgence represents a restraint culture where people feel helplessness about their personal destiny and have rigid behaviour. Australia scores higher (71) in indulgence, which indicates that these people have control over their future events and they actively participate in life activities. It also reflects that Australian customer service representatives visibly demonstrate their happiness with a smile and friendly behaviour. In order to operate well in Australia, it is required for Singaporean companies to prioritize feedback, coaching and mentoring (Xiumei et al., 2011). Companies should provide employees flexible working environment along with work-life balance. Comclusion From the above detailed analysis, it has been concluded that Australian culture is primarily influenced by Western culture, which are characterized as low in power-distance, individualistic, high in uncertainty-avoidance, masculine, short-term oriented and high in indulgence. Hofstedes cultural dimensions model enables foreign business firms who want to do business in Australia, to evaluate their approaches, decisions and actions based on corporate culture of Australia. A little research has found several key differences in context of working hours, greetings and business etiquettes, in the business culture of Australia and Singapore. Additionally, the above studies provide information on business decision-making style that foreign business firms can utilize to operate in Australia by formulating more effective strategies. References Hunter, B and Biddle, N. (2012). Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia: Social Science Perspectives. Australia: Anu E Press. Strigel, W. (2012). Problems and Instruments of Business Cycle Analysis: A Selection of Papers Presented at the 13th CIRET Conference Proceedings, Munich 1977. Germany: Springer Science Business Media. Head, B and Crowley, K. (2015). Policy Analysis in Australia. UK: Policy Press. Austin, I. and Huang, X. (2011). Chinese Investment in Australia: Unique Insights from the Mining Industry. Germany: Springer. McKeown, S., Haji, R. and Ferguson, N. (2016). Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory: Contemporary Global Perspectives. Germany: Springer. Solomon, M., Bennett, R and Previte, J. (2012). Consumer Behaviour. USA: Pearson Higher Education AU. Montagu, A. (2013). Coming Into Being Among the Australian Aborigines: The Procreative Beliefs of the Australian Aborigines. UK: Routledge. Keen, I. (2010). Indigenous Participation in Australian Economies: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. Australia: Anu E Press. Crossley, M., Hancock, G. and Sprague, T. (2015). Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. Monie, J. and Wise, A. (2013). Social Policy and Its Administration: A Survey of the Australian Literature 1950-1975. Netherlands: Elsevier. Uhlmann, A. (2016). Family, Gender and Kinship in Australia: The Social and Cultural Logic of Practice and Subjectivity. UK: Routledge. Jang, H. (2015). Social Identities of Young Indigenous People in Contemporary Australia: Neo-colonial North, Yarrabah. Germany: Springer. Grim, B., Johnson, T., Skirbekk, V. and Zurlo, G. (2015). Yearbook of International Religious Demography 2015. Netherlands: BRILL. Sb, A. (2016). International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 4/2016: At the Crossroads of Arts and Cultural Education: Queries meet Assumptions. US: Waxmann Verlag. Nah, F and Tan, C. (2016). HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: Information Systems: Third International Conference, HCIBGO 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, Proceedings, Part 2. Germany: Springer. Bharati, and Pratyush. (2010). Global Perspectives on Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Information Systems: International Approaches: International Approaches. US: IGI Global. Spoehr, J. and Jain, P. (2012). The Engaging State: South Australia's Engagement with the Asia-Pacific Region. Australia: Wakefield Press. Sirgy, M., Bahn, K. and Erem, T. (2015). Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Germany: Springer. Lee, T. (2010). The Media, Cultural Control and Government in Singapore Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series. UK: Routledge. Chhokar, J., Brodbeck, F. and House, R. (2013). Culture and Leadership Across the World: The GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies. UK: Routledge. Djajadikerta, H. and Zhang, Z. (2015). A New Paradigm for International Business: Proceedings of the Conference on Free Trade Agreements and Regional Integration in East Asia. Germnay: Springer. Aung and Myo, U. (2015). Managerial Strategies and Practice in the Asian Business Sector Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science. US: IGI Global. Sharkey, N. (2012). Taxation in ASEAN and China: Local Institutions, Regionalism, Global Systems and Economic Development. UK: Routledge. Piepenburg, K. (2011). Critical analysis of Hofstedes model of cultural dimensions: To what extent are his findings reliable, valid and applicable to organisations in the 21st century. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. (2014). Management. UK: Pearson. Newman, A. (2014). Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online. USA: Cengage Learning. Kato, K. (2010). Cultural Compatibility in Educational Contexts: Japanese Native-Speaker Teachers in Australian Classrooms. US: University Press of America. Shackleton, V.J. and Ali, A.H., (1990). Work-related values of managers a test of the Hofstede Model.Journal of cross-cultural psychology,21(1), pp.109-118. Shi, X. and Wang, J., (2011). Interpreting hofstede model and globe model: which way to go for cross-cultural research?.International journal of business and management,6(5), p.93. McSweeney, B. (2002). Hofstedes model of national cultural differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith-a failure of analysis.Human relations,55(1), 89-118. Xiumei, S. H. I., Jinying, W. A. N. G. (2011). Cultural distance between China and US across GLOBE model and Hofstede model.International Business and Management,2(1), 11-17. Lee, Y. J., Gretzel, U. (2014). Cross-cultural differences in social identity formation through travel blogging.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,31(1), 37-54. Burgess, T., Braunack-Mayer, A., Crawford, G. B., Beilby, J. (2014). Australian health policy and end of life care for people with chronic disease: An analysis.Health policy,115(1), 60-67. Gulsrud, N. M. (2014). og evt. undertitel: The Role of Green Space in City Branding.population,87(100), 74. Offord, B., Kerruish, E., Garbutt, R.,Wessell, A. and Pavlovic, K. (2015). Inside Australian Culture: Legacies of Enlightenment Values. UK: Anthem Press.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Renewable Energy Wind Generating Plant for the Local Community
Introduction Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources. These sources are referred to as renewable due to their ability to naturally replenish themselves after being used (Twidell, 2006, p. 18). Approximately sixteen percent of the final energy consumed globally is from renewable resources. The renewable natural energy sources include wind, sunlight, geothermal, biomass, tides and rain.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Renewable Energy: Wind Generating Plant for the Local Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The problem associated with the usage of non-renewable energy resources is that they cannot be replenished as in renewable energy resources. This has led to concerns by all the stakeholders on the sustainability as they form the bulk of the energy sources of the world (Kaltschmitt, 2010, p. 101). The non-renewable energy sources will dwindle over time, which makes them expensive, as we ll as environmentally non-friendly. In contrast, renewable energy sources are sustainable over time as they replenish themselves, easy to use, less expensive and environmentally friendly. Therefore, a paradigm shift from non-renewable energy sources to renewable energy sources is necessary. In this course, it is estimated that the use of wind power is growing at a rate of approximately 30% annually worldwide (Sorensen, 2010, p. 224). The countries and continents most embracing renewable energy sources are the United States, Brazil, Asia and Europe. The main purpose of this project is to identify the most suitable renewable energy source to introduce to the local community. The project team is to carry out a feasibility study on the viable renewable energy sources to be introduced in the community. The project manager will be charged with overall oversight of the project. The assistant project manager will be in charge of two departments, which are the marketing and financial departm ents. The financial department will deal with all the financial aspects of the project, while marketing department will handle the marketing of the energy source in the society. Motivation The key drive for the project is to provide a clean and sustainable energy source to the local community where the company is situated. However, there are other stakeholders who the company must consider in its endeavors in order to meet its objectives and mission.Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To find out the expectations and obligations of each stakeholder, it is necessary to undertake the research. Questionnaires and other techniques are used to determine their expectations and obligations. The first stakeholder is the public and community. A study on a sample of the community reveals the following expectations; a reliable, environmentally friendly and cheap source of energy. Most of the residents reveal that they would be willing to substitute their non-renewable energy sources with the renewable ones if they possess the above qualities. Based on this community need the project is initiated to meet it. The project is to obtain a license from the environmental regulation agency. The project must comply with all the legislations governing the use of renewable energy in the country. The other stakeholder is the AD chamber of commerce. The company will have to set up the required documents such as the articles of association to receive its certificate of operation from the chamber of commerce. The company will obtain its starting capital from the national bank. The bank will also handle the standing orders of the company. The payroll system of the company will be outsourced to the bank. The project will be obligated to guarantee financial health by a viable return on investment to payback the loans. Other stakeholders to the project include: research institute t o perform market trends, survey analysis and also research and development. Modern insurance company will provide employees with insurance in compliance with factory employee safety regulations. The trust fund of the company will cater for recruiting professionals for the project, providing additional funding, performing feasibility studies for the project and providing support and guidance to set up the business. Mediamax Media Company will help devise a marketing plan for the company and its products and lastly various vendors will supply equipments, materials and items required for the project. Solutions Review There are three solutions available to the company. They are those strategies that can be employed to provide a clean and sustainable source of energy for the community while guaranteeing the company a return on its investment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Renewable Energy: Wind Generating Plant for the Local Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wind The first option to the company is to set up a wind farm. Wind turbines with a power between five megawatts and six hundred kilowatts, considering the size of the wind farm, can be run by air flow (Twidell, 2006, p. 168). The power of the wind turbine will be determined by the speed of wind. The company will have to find an appropriate location for the wind farm. High altitude and offshore areas are preferable compared to inland locations, because there are higher wind speeds, therefore, resulting in higher energy levels. The benefits of using wind power include a stream of income for the company. The company will earn profit from the supply of the wind power to the community. The expected stream of income will be the discounted present value of income. Another benefit is clean and sustainable energy for the community. The community will also benefit from lower prices of electric power. Over the long run, the community will also benefit from lower levels of environmental pollution. The costs of the project are: the initial cost of obtaining the wind turbines and land to set up the wind farm. The company will also incur a cost from the interest payments on the loans to purchase the equipments and land. Another cost is the opportunity cost on the use of land for generation of wind power. The final costs that will be factored in are employee salaries and depreciation expenses on the equipment used in the wind farm. Solar Energy The second option available to the company is to set up a solar power generation plant. The company can acquire solar technologies to be used to generate energy and distribute to the community. They can also acquire solar technologies that they can set in peoples’ homes. This would be cost effective as they will not have to acquire land for setting the solar power generating plant. The benefits include: a stream of income for the company. The expected future flow of income will be the discounted present value of cash flow. The community will benefit from a cheap alternative energy, reduced environmental pollution and sustainable source of energy.Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cost includes: the initial cost of obtaining solar technologies, lost productivity by substituting non-renewable energy by solar power, opportunity cost of the resources used and depreciation expense on the equipments. Other costs include salaries to employees, interest payments on loans and lost production due to power outages during winter. Biofuel The company can set up a biomass processing plant to produce a variety of products such as bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas. The company will use raw materials such as sugarcane, vegetable oils, animal fats and recycled grease. The benefits are a stream of income for the company, cheap and environment friendly energy sources, sustainable energy resources and higher employment opportunities in the community. It will result in reduced emission of green house gases into the atmosphere in the long run. The costs of the project are initial capital to set up the plant and acquire raw materials, interest payments on loans, opportunity cost of the resources employed in production and depreciation expense on the equipments used in production. There are other miscellaneous costs such as salaries, operating expenses and the cost incurred in substitution. Decision Model The company will consider all the three options available to it. It will use the cost benefit analysis to make the decision. The option which has the most benefits relative to the costs will be taken by the company. The company will assign weights to the benefits and costs of each option. It will compare the score of each alternative available. Other variables will also be taken into consideration such as the community reception to the alternative energy source, the availability of raw materials and ease of assessing replacement parts for equipments used in the production process. Assigning weights to each option gives the following scores. The first option of using wind power gives a positive score. The weights of benefits obtained outweigh the weights of costs to be incurred. This generates a final positive score. However, there are other issues to consider, such as availability of high altitude or offshore areas in the community where more energy can be generated due to high wind speeds. The option to use solar power also generates a positive score. Assigning weights to benefits of using energy will outweigh the weights assigned to the costs. However, there are other issues to consider before choosing the option. The amounts of days and intensity of sunlight in the area, consider whether to set up a plant or set up the solar on the houses of the clients of the firm will be factored into the decision model. The third option also generates a final positive score. The gains that will be achieved from the use of biofuel will outweigh the costs associated with it. The project managers will therefore, address other factors to influence their decision models. They will consider the finances available to the company and accessibility to r aw materials to use in the biofuel plant. The project management chose to go with setting up a wind farm. They chose the option because of the availability of a high altitude area, which was a good site for the wind farm. The decision is also viable because of the availability of wind all year around, therefore it is a reliable and sustainable source of energy. The other alternatives were rejected on the grounds that sunlight was not a year round phenomenon therefore, not a reliable source of energy while biofuel was rejected due to the relative high cost of obtaining biomass for the plant and the high capital needed to start a biofuel processing plant. Most of the local people also supported setting up the wind farm as the area was unproductive and also due to the benefits of reduction in environmental pollution. Summary The decision to set up a wind generating plant is in line with the mission of the project to provide a clean and sustainable source of energy to the local communit y. The company will use three megawatts of wind turbines in the project. The project management team will be appointed to come up with all the critical activities to be carried out for the project to be completed. They will come up with the cost and time to take for the project success. The project meets the expectations and objectives of all the stakeholders. For the public and community, it meets their expectations of a clean, reliable and cheap source of energy necessary for them to adjust and adapt the new system (Kaltschmitt, 2010, p. 291). It is also within the legislations related to energy and environment according to the environmental agency. The project will also bring a good return on investment shown by the payback period of the project. Calculations show that through the expected streams of income, the project will be able to pay off its liabilities within the first seven years. The streams of income are calculated from demand projections and then discounting the net pr esent value of cash flows from the project. The project will also meet other stakeholders’ expectations for its success. The projects will receive certification from the chamber of commerce, the employees will be insured, and the funds will be provided to cater for support and guidance of the business and handle other issues such as recruiting exercises and carrying out of feasibility studies. Finally, the media company will market the project, the research team will do market analysis and also continuous development in the firm while the individual vendors will supply the project with equipments, materials and items needed for the project. The wind power project will meet the needs of all the stakeholders of the project. Implementation of the project is the last task of the project management team. Successful implementation will be crucial with them monitoring the project for continuous improvement in policies and procedure. Appendix Project Manager Task Time (months) Budget ($) Approval of logs of members periodical – Approval of budgets periodical – Coordination of duties periodical – Prepare quarterly reports 4 700 Assistant Project Manager Task Time (months) Budget ($) Monitor operation of departments periodical – Stand in for project manager periodical – Coordination of duties of departments periodical – Secure funds for project 1 – Financial Manager Task Time (months) Budget ($) Acquire funds 1 – Prepare budget 2 600 Prepare quarterly statements 3 300 Monitor use of funds by departments periodical – Marketing Manager Task Time (months) Budget ($) Manage advertisements periodical 2000 Consumer education 4 1500 Manage distribution 6 1200 Promotional campaigns periodical 1500 The project will be completed within the first year and performance of tasks must meet the budget. There are other tasks that are not listed, such as acquiring equipments and material and many other menial t asks. Swot Analysis This rivets a scrutiny of the strengths, disadvantages, opportunities and warnings to the project. The strengths to the project include: a receptive community that is adaptive to change its energy source, viable source of finance from the national bank, competent management team for the project, a good location for the wind farm and a competitive business environment for the business characterized by other supporting business such as banks, media companies and other firms. The weaknesses are those issues that may hinder the business from meeting its goals and objectives. The business may be exposed to risks when setting up the wind farm in the community. According to Bohm (2009, p. 19), lack of experience in the location of the business may be exposed to unforeseen risks that will distort future flow of income from the project. The risks include competition from other renewable energy sources, change in public opinion as related to renewable energy sources, maint aining a good public image of the company and having competent and motivated employees. The opportunities of the business include: continuous research and development by the research team. Research and development can lead to quality products and services offered to the consumer. It will lead to capturing of the market niche by the company. The threats that may hinder the success of the business include: change in public opinion due to the company’s failure to meet the demand of the society, change in legislation that the business may not be able to comply to and increased competition from other sources of energy such as non-renewable energy and other sources of renewable energy. The project management team will in-calculate the above analysis to best capitalize on the strengths and opportunities of the business will, at same time devising strategies to minimize the weaknesses and threats to the business. For the business to survive in the competitive and swiftly varying sett ing, the project managers should put in place mechanisms to continually adjust to the needs of every stakeholder, to ensure success of the company in the long run. References Bohm, A., 2009. The Swot Analysis. Grin Verlag, Munchen. Kaltschmitt, M., 2010. Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment. Springer, New York. Sorensen, B., 2010. Renewable Energy: Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics Planning. Academic Press, Massachusetts. Twidell, J., 2006. Renewable Energy Resources. Taylor Francis, London. This report on Renewable Energy: Wind Generating Plant for the Local Community was written and submitted by user J0nah to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on Tylenol Scare
In the fall on 1982, seven people died mysteriously around Chicago’s West Side. Officials determined that each person who died had ingested an Extra-Strength Tylenol capsule, a product of the Johnson & Johnson Company, laced with cyanide. The news of the Chicago deaths spread quickly and caused a nationwide panic with the public. These poisonings made it necessary for the Johnson & Johnson Company to launch a public relations program to restore a good image in both their product and their corporation as a whole. Public Relations is defined as â€Å"the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the public on whom its success or failure depends†(Broom, Center, Cutlip, 1). Keeping a good relationship with the public was exactly what the Johnson & Johnson Company tried to do. Officials of the company made it clear that the tampering of the Tylenol capsules had not taken place at its plants. A spokesman for Johnson & Johnson told the media of the company’s strict quality control and said that the poisonings could not have been performed in the plants. Because the cyanide laced Tylenol had been discovered in shipments from both of the company’s plants and had only been found in the Chicago area, authorities concluded that any tampering must have occurred once the Tylenol had reached Illinois. After the crisis, Johnson & Johnson faced a dilemma. They needed to find the bet way to deal with the tampering incident without destroying the reputation of their company and their most profitable product, Tylenol. The company immediately alerted consumers across the nation, via the media, not to buy or ingest any type of Tylenol product. They told consumers not to resume using the product until the extent of the tampering could be determined. Johnson & Johnson, along with stopping the production and advertising of Tylenol, recalled all Tylenol capsules from the ... Free Essays on Tylenol Scare Free Essays on Tylenol Scare In the fall on 1982, seven people died mysteriously around Chicago’s West Side. Officials determined that each person who died had ingested an Extra-Strength Tylenol capsule, a product of the Johnson & Johnson Company, laced with cyanide. The news of the Chicago deaths spread quickly and caused a nationwide panic with the public. These poisonings made it necessary for the Johnson & Johnson Company to launch a public relations program to restore a good image in both their product and their corporation as a whole. Public Relations is defined as â€Å"the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the public on whom its success or failure depends†(Broom, Center, Cutlip, 1). Keeping a good relationship with the public was exactly what the Johnson & Johnson Company tried to do. Officials of the company made it clear that the tampering of the Tylenol capsules had not taken place at its plants. A spokesman for Johnson & Johnson told the media of the company’s strict quality control and said that the poisonings could not have been performed in the plants. Because the cyanide laced Tylenol had been discovered in shipments from both of the company’s plants and had only been found in the Chicago area, authorities concluded that any tampering must have occurred once the Tylenol had reached Illinois. After the crisis, Johnson & Johnson faced a dilemma. They needed to find the bet way to deal with the tampering incident without destroying the reputation of their company and their most profitable product, Tylenol. The company immediately alerted consumers across the nation, via the media, not to buy or ingest any type of Tylenol product. They told consumers not to resume using the product until the extent of the tampering could be determined. Johnson & Johnson, along with stopping the production and advertising of Tylenol, recalled all Tylenol capsules from the ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Miranda v. Arizona Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Miranda v. Arizona - Thesis Example Though Miranda had not been read his rights, it is believed that his conviction should have remained against him. The enforcement of the reading of a person’s rights was not done until after the case against Miranda. Miranda may have been denied his rights at the time, but this allowed it to be made known that police officers were clearly not doing their job. It brought to light that there needed to be enforcement when reading the rights to criminals to avoid similar situations in the future. As such, Miranda’s case should have been upheld, given the fact that there had been circumstantial evidence and his confession, albeit obtained inappropriately, to still convict him (Allen, 2007). The rights are important to the criminal, but there is still the fact that there was enough evidence present to continue the case. Furthermore, Miranda had already admitted his guilt to the crimes that he was being convicted of. If his rights had been read to him when they should have bee n, and Miranda had exercised his right to an attorney before confessing anything to the police, the case would have gone on in a normal fashion.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Community Outreach Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Community Outreach Program - Essay Example There are various avenues available to Coney Island Hospital in its effort to ensure that this program is accessible to all members of the community. The program will require its medical providers to alter their regular treatment schedules in the hospital to go conduct door to door health checks in patients’ home. The providers will begin in areas with low-income people as they are the ones most likely to be affected by diseases due to their inability to afford medical care. In order to do it safely, door-to-door program would better be conducted during morning hours. However, if the hospital is willing to hire night security, night visitations could be carried out as well. The disadvantage of conducting a daytime campaign is the act of having to travel to different residences in order to visit people who may not be home. Night time visitations have the advantage of having the majority of people indoors and therefore more effective. Door to door campaigns are one of the most e ffective methods of reaching out to everyone in the society as they give people or the populace targeted the privacy in their homes. These campaigns are however not cost-effective as extra expenses are incurred when medical personnel are dispatched to go on door-to-door visitations. The transport costs are an added expense which is not the case with in-hospital treatments. This method is also extremely time consuming and will require more than six months to be successfully completed. The source of funding of the program must be considered carefully as it is a crucial for the success of this outreach project. Due to the enormous cost of the program, one option is involving the State of New York to fund the program since it is a community project aimed at benefiting the residents of Coney Island. Moreover, as the services offered at a medical checkup are generally of a basic level, Coney Island Hospital will request medical student volunteers to come and assist in the work as part of their internship program as they get training from their supervisors. The checkups that do not call injections or prescription of medicine can be performed by them upon training thus saving time for senior staff who will do the more sophisticated work. The students should be those of senior level who are already familiar with checkup procedures so that the hospital does not need to invest more funds in training. This will give them an opportunity to acquire hands-on experience as well as add credit to their coursework if the hospital is willing to collaborate with universities from the area or to get staff from the medical reserve corps to
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Police Officer Essay Example for Free
Police Officer Essay * Police officers work in partnership with the communities they serve to maintain law and order, protect members of the public and their property, prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and improve the quality of life for all citizens. They use a wide range of technology to protect individuals, identify the perpetrators of crime and ensure successful prosecutions against those who break the law. Police officers work closely with members of the criminal justice system, social workers, schools, local businesses, health trusts, housing authorities, town planners and community groups to provide advice, education and assistance to those who wish to reduce crime or have been affected by crime. I chose to research this job because I like to help people and the best way I can imagine doing this is becoming a cop. * Many police departments require that applicants be high school graduates; an increasing number expect some college education. Applicants usually must be at least twenty-one years of age and U.S. citizens. In many communities, applicants must meet minimum requirements for height, weight, eyesight, and hearing. Because most police departments fall under civil service regulations, applicants must pass written tests that measure their analytical skills. Rigorous physical examinations and background checks are also required. New recruits often participate in formal classroom training in police academies. After graduating they continue to train on the job with experienced officers for three to twelve months. In small communities there may be no formal training program. Officers are usually encouraged to continue their education by taking college courses in criminal justice. Police Officers usually wear a uniform while on duty. Police work can be dangerous and stressful. Officers often deal with violent criminals and may be injured or killed. They must make quick decisions while on duty, yet be tactful and patient with people who are in trouble or have been victims of terrible crimes and abuse. Police protection is provided twenty-four hours a day, so officers may work outdoors in all kinds of weather. Work shifts are usually rotated; however, officers are on call at all times for emergencies. Overtime may be required. Earnings vary, depending on location. In 2004 the median salary for police officers was $45,210 per year. As officers advanced through the ranks, wages increased. The average minimum salary for police sergeants was $49,895 per year, while the average minimum for lieutenants was $56,115 per year. The following are some of the benefits provided to police officers: Family/Domestic partner health and dental plans for active employees and their eligible dependents. Sick leave disability benefits Sworn employees receive twelve days of 100 percent paid sick leave, five days at 75 percent, and five days at 50 percent, upon hiring. Employees may accumulate up to 100 days at 100 percent, 75 percent, and 50 percent paid sick leave. Employees are eligible for a service-connected disability retirement from the date of graduation from basic training.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Integrating Women into the World Economy Essay -- Economics Females E
Integrating Women into the World Economy Introduction On November 9, 1989, the world’s economy changed dramatically. The fall of the Berlin wall produced a new world order which enabled states to connect on political, economic, and social levels with nations that were previously inaccessible to the western world. This created an interaction across national boundaries. The past two decades have seen the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide, including an increased volume of cross-border transactions of goods and services, international capital flows, and most importantly, the rapid and widespread diffusion of technology (â€Å"Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 1999†). The airplane hijackings in America on September 11, 2001 further proved that the world had changed. From that day forward, all nations possessed the abilities to play a role in outsourcing and technology sharing. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman illustrated this point in the book â€Å"The World Is Flat†when he stated that economic power sources are no longer monopolized by prosperous developed nations, but instead by a flattened, equal playing field for all countries. There are numerous illustrations used by Friedman, including the fact that â€Å"all the world’s computer parts come from the same supply chain that runs from Korea, down through coastal China, over to Taiwan and down to Malaysia†(Friedman). With the influx of development in the global arena, opportunities for jobs and sustainability have also increased, especially in developing nations with resources to contribute to global production. Such positions and opportunities have been filled mainly by citizens who have been granted educational opportuniti... ...nomics. United Nations Development Fund for Women. 23 April 2007 â€Å"Regional Symposium on Gender Mainstreaming into Economic Policies.†28-30 January 2004. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. â€Å"The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women.†September 2005. Beijing Platform for Action. 20 April 2007. â€Å"What Are the Millennium Development Goals?†2005. UN Development Goals. 20 April 2007. â€Å"Women and the Economy.†UNFPA: Working to Empower Women. 23 April 2007. - Women and the Economy.htm>
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Intro of Sefam Pvt. Ltd.
| | | | | | | | | | VISON TO BE A PREMIEM BRAND FOR PRET AS WELL AS DESIGNER WEAR LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY AND TO BE TREND SETTING MARKET LEADER BY PROVIDING TO OUR CUSTOMERS ELEGANT AND SOPHISTICATED ATTIRE WITHOUR COMPROMISING ON QUALITY.MISSION HISTORY Sefam was established in 1985 with the launch of its first brand ‘Bareeze'. Bareeze's singular mission, and at time Sefam's was to create beautiful, desirable fabrics equal to the best in the world, yet made in Pakistan. Prior to Bareeze's entry into the market, amazingly, the concept of a locally made quality fashion product did not exist. All the best markets only sold and foreign fabric and foreign goods. Opening the first store in shadman market, Lahore in 1985, Bareeze sought to change this perception.The first collection sold out in a matter of days and very soon the store had garnered the image of being a store which sells quality imported fabric claiming it to be local. Soon after, another Bareeze store was opened and then another and another. Currently, Bareeze sells from and operates 57 stores nationwide and another 10 globally. Bareeze has the distinction of being the first Pakistani chain store as well as the first Pakistani brand to go abroad (Dubai in 1995). Sefam has since broadened its vision from qua lity, desireable fabrics to quality desireable clothing for all categories of consumer.Currently sefam operates 5 brands and a total of 321 points of sale 107 location to this, sefam's brands also sell exclusively at another 10 locations worldwide. Sefams brands are: Bareeze Leisure Club Minnie Minors Chinyere Home Expressions Kayseria SERINA DYEING AND FINISHING By 1999, there was already an undeniable need for a reliable dyeing and finishing source to cater to internal processing requirements of the group. Previous experiences in the local outsourcing market had proven to be difficult with high rejection rates and unreliable delivery times.Hence Sarena was commissioned in March 2001, as a subs idiary of the Sefam Group of Industries. Since the time of inception, the factory has undergone expansion every year of its existence and now stands at 6 times its original capacity, with a heavy presence in the export market and state-of-the-art machinery. Sarena has had to work hard to make a mark in the export market. We owe our success to constant change and modernization and consistent quality. The group has invested heavily in machinery, technology and manpower to bring the process under control.Sarena boasts some of the most well-renowned brand names in textile machinery such as Monforts, Bruckner, Babcock, Lafer, Goller, Benninger, Parex and many more. Our dyes and chemicals are imported from only the most respected global companies such as Dye Star, Ciba, ICI, BASF, Clariant etc. Alongside we have spared no expense in conformance accreditations and staff training. Sarena is ISO and OkoTexCertified. In addition our in-house laboratory is underway to beco ming the first private laboratory in Pakistan to achieve the ISO 17025, which signifies conformance, reliability and standardization in all our testing procedures.We believe, that in today's world, it is important to be competitive not only on the basis of pricing, quality and service but also in R. Accordingly we invest heavily on development in weaves, finishes and constructions, and have a fresh batch of new developments offered to our foreign clientele every month. This adds to our existing portfolio consisting of successfully tested finishes such as micro-sanding, fire-retardant, mildew-resistance, anti-bacterial, wrinkle-resistance, pre/post cure, Teflon, soil repellency etc.We feel that it is out of all of the above, which spring from our thorough commitment to quality, that we still retain today our very first accounts. We invite you to come and share our quality experience. ALI EMBROIDERY MILLS (PVT. )LTD Hamedi Embroidery Mills (Pvt. ) Ltd. was established in 19 72 to do schiffli embroidery work for the local whole-sale market that was mainly catering for the low end of the textiles segment. From the beginning, Hamedi enjoyed a good reputation for its fair dealings and commitment.With the result that it had already doubled its capacity by 1978. However, in the next two to three years the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran revolution affected the embroidery industry of Pakistan so adversely that a majority of the businesses went bankrupt, and the government was forced to declare embroidery Sick Industry of Pakistan. It was at this juncture that Hamedi changed its focus from the low end of the market and concentrated on making the best possible quality of embroidery for the premium urban consumer of Pakistan.The machines as well as the business culture were ‘overhauled' with this new end in mind, and in 1985 Hamedi's sister concern, Sefam (Pvt. ) Limited, launched the new high quality product from the city of Lahore. The produ ct was well received and soon the embroidery production capacity needed enhancement. Hamedi grew rapidly by acquiring some existing embroidery facilities as well as adding machines to its original setup. It was also the first in Pakistan to import the state of the art computerized schiffli machines and designing systems from Saurer Stick Systems of Switzerland.It was then decided by the management that the the different embroidery companies be merged into one company by the name of Ali Embroidery Mills (Pvt. ) Limited. In the relentless pursuit of quality and innovation, a number of Ali Embroidery's staff were sent to Switzerland to receive training in new designing methods, machine operating procedures, and quality control techniques. At the same time, many qualified experts from Korea and Switzerland are routinely engaged to come and do hands-on training of Ali's technicians and designers at our premises.Consequently, Ali Embroidery Mills has the most well trained embroidery staff in Pakistan. This human resource combined with the many state of the art computerized machines, and designing and sampling systems has ensured that the quality of Ali's product is by far the best in the country. . Today Ali has 30 schiffli machines, and is the largest manufacturer of embroidered fabric in Pakistan. More important than the number of machines is the fact that Ali has more goodwill than all the local competitors combined. This has been a result of Ali's philosophy of fair dealings with everyone including suppliers, employees and clients.We believe that quality begins in-house when we decide to make a positive impact in the lives of all the different groups of people that will come in contact with our business. Along with this ideology, our focus on continuous innovation in products and procedures has made sure that we are always able to stay abreast of the competition OUR BRANDS BAREEZE With over three decades of commitment to quality, Bareeze is today, a recognized b rand for quality products in the domestic and international markets. It is owned by sefam (Pvt. ) Ltd. a sister concern of Sarena Industries and Ali Embroidery Mills (Pvt) Ltd. The Bareeze range includes crisp cottons, luxurious silks, sheer organza, chic chiffons and an ever-developing range of inovative products. Textile embroidery is an art-rooted tradition. Hand-done embroidery from the sub-continent was always considered a quintessence of quality, reflecting an exclusive fashion option. Bareeze is proud to be the modern day perfection of transforming traditional sub-continent hand embroidery into exclusive Bareeze fashion fabrics. Each Design – a MasterpieceTaking as much pride in our products as the traditional artisan, we ensure that Bareeze fabrics are superbly fashioned, exquisitely detailed and carefully finished, so that each design is a masterpiece. Excellence – a Bareeze Hallmark The use of only the best materials and unflinching resolve not to compromise on quality, coupled with the use of the best swiss textile machinery enables us to produce embroidered fabrics which compare favorably with the best in the world. We have more than 50 outlets nationwide, and already well established setups in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Delhi and London.Bareeze Brands There is something for everyone at all Bareeze Stores. Our resolve to excellence and decades of experience with success has enabled us to extend our product range and provide our clientele with a varied and extremely creative collection of Ready-to-Wear, Pret and Home Textile collections covering all age groups. Bareeze is a trendsetter in the mainstream fashion industry CHINYERE Chinyere is a brand synonymous with sophistication & style. The Chinyere success story began in 1999 that has now evolved into the country's most popular and accessible fashion brand.Chinyere garments are designed in-step with global fashions and in keeping with our tradition. Catering to women as well as men, today Chinyere has displays at all Bareeze outlets and is manufacturing †¢ Casual Wear †¢ Formal Wear †¢ Couture †¢ Mens Wear †¢ Sleep Wear †¢ Abayas †¢ Accessories †¢ Jewellery for the local and the international markets. MINNIE MINORS Minnie Minors is a specialty kids brand selling high-quality apparel and accessories for children under the Boys, Girls, Infants, Party Line, Toys n Tales and Accessories categories. Minnie Minor’s history begins in 1998, making it one of the oldest kids brand in its field.The appeal of the Minnie Minors is so high since its inception due to its versatile designing, high quality manufacturing, high-quality merchandise and modern retail for children ages newborn to five. Sub Brands Today Minnie Minor’s brands include Minitoes and MOM2B. Minitoes Minitoes kid's footwear is available in a range of sandals, booties, joggers, canvas casuals, long shoes. Each season Minitoes expands its extensive collec tion by adding new styles and collections. These change each season and some are only available in limited edition while others may be around for seasons to come.Check out what’s new this season. From easy on-easy off designs to the low profile, lightweight outsoles. Your kids will love the look, you’ll appreciate the supportive footbed and roomy construction and you’ll both flip for the super fun patterns. MOM2B Pregnant women want to feel pretty, attractive and comfortable in clothes that fit their style, their taste and their budget. Whether you are a pregnant woman or lady in plus size, MOM2B will allow you to discover the best clothes to wear during pregnancy whatever the size of your belly! Here’s an innovative range of apparel for expectant mothers. An irresistible ariety of styles that is trendy, traditional and sophisticated all at the same time fulfilling all of mom’s social and mood requirements. For her comfort Mom2B also offers customi zed accessories like stretch lowers and a variety of stretch-to-comfort materials giving a natural support and lift to the tummy. . Minnie Minors Outlets Minnie Minors Outlets offers what our customers know and love about us: unique quality and styleâ€â€at all outlets. There are 59 Minnie Minors Outlet stores open at premier locations nationwide with the international corporate existence at London, Manchester, Dubai and Norway.HOME EXPRESSIONS Bareeze started Home Expessions in 1999. A commitment. Home Expression ranges offer you the luxury of designed bed/ bath/table accessories. Our linen Range Is produced using the best quality cottons and polyester -cottons,dyed with speacil skill,to ensure color fastness. The 100% percale fabric used is among the finest in world . Bed linen range is combine with the distinctive embroidery designsand colors. Cotton range offers applique range which is of  more luxury and parint range which is of daily use . The bed spreads are hand -made and the embellishmaent is â€Å"Zardozi†work.This involves Working on pure velvets ,silks organzas ,jamawars and net with the finest material avaiable . this range offers bed spreads. dulais. cushions ,rugs ,photo albums fancy trunks and table accessories . Upcomming attraction for the coustomer is leather range which includes cushions ,rugs ,table accessories . Choosing the right kind of bedding means you are half way there to get good night sleep. you will find bed linen in a color and quality you love . KAYSERIA After bringing a revolution in embroidery, Sefam Pvt. Ltd. now launches another brand Kayseria – Magic in print.Welcome to the unique world of Kayseria, where every design is a masterpiece. Kayseria brings you a very special selection of pure silks and cottons in form of exclusive prints, complemented by beautiful and intricate embroideries and embellishments, to create a stunning array of fabrics, colour and designs. The designs crafted at Kayseria are t rendy yet traditional, encompassing the richness of our ethnicity and culture. If you want to pamper yourself, indulge in someone you love, or just feel special, take yourself to nearest Kayseria store. Kayseria gives you real designer clothes at affordable prices.LEISURE CLUB â€Å"Once upon a time, in a land of 180 million people, where locally made high quality, trendy clothing was not available, a compassionate and quality obsessed brand by the name of Leisure Club stepped forward to fill in the void. And so, on April 18th, 1997, hardcoded with the values of compassion, quality, integrity, and ingenuity, Leisure embarked on its mission. After 14 years of unparalleled excellence, Leisure Club has evolved into Pakistan’s no. 1 family fashion destination, featuring 3 premium sub-brands: Club X, LC Boutique, and LC Kids.Club X provides trendy urban street wear for young adults, LC boutique offers elegant eastern wear for the entire family, and LC Kids gives cool clothing opt ions for kids†. MOM2B Here’s an innovative range of apparel for expectant mothers. An irresistable variety of styles that are trendy, traditional and sophisticated all at the same time fulfilling all of mom’s social and mood requirements. For her comfort Mom2B also offers customised accessories like stretch lowers and a variety of stretch-to-comfort materials giving a natuaral support and lift to the tummy.Casual Wear Extra Support Accessories CAREER ARTICLE AND ADVICES Life at Sefam: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and provide employment to everyone regardless of their colour, race & gender. We believe our employees as our greatest asset and do not compromise on the potential and standard of our workforce. Our Philosophy: Continuous Learning Maintain High Standards Creativity and Innovative We are growing continuously and ensure our employees to share our growth with us and generate new quality standards for our competitors to reach. What we look for:While hiring, we look for dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are creative and are ready to take initiative. What make our company the best employer is the healthy environment which we provide by allowing the staff to experiment and touch the new horizons. Career Development: Continuous development is our philosophy and we believe that every employee needs some kind of training or guidance to perform better. For this purpose we arrange annual and bi annual training programs in order to groom our work force. We also sponsor small courses for employees learning. How to Apply:To apply follow the steps given below: Look for the opportunity of your interest in the current vacancy List by clicking Current Openings Tab. Click Details to view the job description. Click Apply for the application Form. If you don’t see an opportunity of your interest, click on the Apply Online Tab. Fill the Online Form and after completing it click Submit Hardwork Has No Substitute But It Should B e Focused And Followed By Tolerance, Forbearance And Fortitude, Highlights Ms. Neegam Qayyum, Executive HR, Sefam (Pvt) Ltd. Q. 1. What makes your company an attractive employer for the job seekers? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: Despite of the fact that the current market situation for employment is not very favorable, even in such conditions, Sefam (Pvt) Ltd continuous to grow and hire new staff. Sefam (Pvt) Ltd is a growing organization which has one of the largest retail chain networks nationwide. We have a diversified workforce working at all levels. We experience low turnover rate and the best thing is the location of our head office which is in the centre of Lahore and proves to be convenient for the employees. Q. 2. What is your strategy on work-life balance and how do you achieve this balance yourself? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: Sefam provides a very comfortable environment which helps our employees to balance their personal and professional life. Facilities like leaves, short leaves and t ime policy helps us to manage our work-life balance. We have relaxed and helpful environment which keeps employees motivated and enables them to manage their regular activities. In my views, the best way of achieving balance between professional and personal life is to prioritize the tasks according to their importance in our lives. Just set up your priorities and I am sure that there are very less chances of being left behind. Q. 3.Do you believe that Pakistani universities are creating an effective talent pool and what is your company’s strategy to attract the best talent in Pakistan? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: We can not say that our universities are not producing talents but there is lot more which needs to be done. Most of the graduates, after passing out of the universities, are not aware of their own skills and abilities due to which the candidates get confused in choosing an appropriate career. The lack of exposure of practical life which creates a greater challenge to fin d a job in such a competitive environment is another area to be taken good care of.The institutions need to bring out the confidence and help the graduate’s identity their skills and talent. They should be given the appropriate exposure of the market which will set them out to find an appropriate career. Career Counseling should be provided to all students on individual basis. Q. 4. Due to rough economic situation and soaring price rise, how does your company deal with keeping itself cost effective and attractive for job seekers? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: The economic situation has been very rough from the last couple of years and has affected every enterprise.However, even in such conditions Sefam has never stopped hiring and hasn’t gone for any sort of layoffs as yet. Sefam’s continuous growth has kept the spirits high. Sefam does not compromise on quality of our staff and products. We are working on more effective recruitment ways to keep our hiring costs low and retain our valuable employees. Q. 5. What are, in your views, the basic principles of success in a professional life? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I believe in: â€Å"Work , Work and Work†as said by our Quaid. Hard work has no substitute but it should be focused and followed by tolerance, forbearance and fortitude. Be open to learn new lessons, even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday†   -Ellen De Generes Q. 6. How would you rate the success and importance of online recruitment firms such as ROZEE. PK? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: Online recruitment firms have made recruitment a lot easier, reliable and cost effective. However, it still needs to flourish and create maximum awareness in Pakistan. As the economic conditions get stable and new opportunities hit the market, online recruitment will be the most reliable one. ROZEE. PK has definitely made a mark in Pakistani job market and it has set up the trend of online recruitment in Pakistan.Q. 7. How has ROZEE. PK helped your firm regarding recruitment i. e. Have you tried any recruitment tools provided by ROZEE. PK e. g. Job Fairs/Job Postings/CV Search? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: We have been using various tools provided by ROZEE. PK and have also participated in their different Job Fairs. It has been very useful and effective in certain areas. It not only provides us with a good pool of candidates but also markets our company’s actual name in the market (We are known by the name of Bareez’e which is one of our famous brands). ROZEE.PK has always been helpful to make a pool of candidates which makes it easy to select best out of them Q. 8. What is the scope of Human Resource Management in Pakistan? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: As far as my limited experience is concerned, I believe that human resource is the ‘humane’ part of organization. It is the only department which is sensitive to life, emotions, and feelings. HRM still has a long way to go in Pakistan. I am sure that time will come when every firm and institution will invest in such a department. The future of HR is bright along with a tough competition among candidates. Q. 9. Tell us about your educational life?Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I earned my bachelor’s degree from Kinnard College in sciences and started working with The City School. Later on I realized that I need to develop myself and the career which suited my skills and abilities was, as me and my Mentor came up with , was HRM. After completing my Masters Degree in HRM from Punjab University, I worked wih Strategic Systems International for some time and later joined Sefam (Pvt) Ltd. I focused on creating and bringing new ideas to life. I have been lucky enough that Sefam provided me the opportunity to start things from scratch enabling me to learn the practical ways of the field.I have been an average student and always worked on expressing things in my own definitions rather than learning by rote. I always used to re ad, understand, and express in my own words. Even in examinations I hardly used extra sheets. My focus has always been on practical part of the studies. Q. 10. What is your formula of success in life? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I don’t believe there can be a formula for success but what has always worked for me is prioritizing things both, personal and professional, followed by hardwork, persistence and the utmost important blessings, of Almighty Allah.Q. 11. What are the biggest turn-offs in an interview of a job applicant? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: The biggest turn-offs of a job applicant as I have experience are: †¢ The candidates who are not sure of the area they want to work in †¢ Candidates who ask the salary package first rather than position and job description. †¢ Candidates who are not confident in their mother language and to overcome their deficiency they keep on speaking incorrect English language. Q. 12. What do you look for in a candidate during a hiring interview session? Name 4 key things? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: The key factors I look for in a candidate are: †¢ Loyalty factor †¢ Optimistic approach towards career †¢ Relevant qualification and experience for passion to contribute Q. 13. Any good advice you want to give for the job seekers who want to enter and/ or prosper in the professional field? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I would rather suggest that job seekers should be aware of their inborn talent and creative skills before entering the Field and find a job matching their interest and set of skills. So that when they enter the practical life they sharpen up their skills rather than getting confused about their own abilities. Intro of Sefam Pvt. Ltd. | | | | | | | | | | VISON TO BE A PREMIEM BRAND FOR PRET AS WELL AS DESIGNER WEAR LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY AND TO BE TREND SETTING MARKET LEADER BY PROVIDING TO OUR CUSTOMERS ELEGANT AND SOPHISTICATED ATTIRE WITHOUR COMPROMISING ON QUALITY.MISSION HISTORY Sefam was established in 1985 with the launch of its first brand ‘Bareeze'. Bareeze's singular mission, and at time Sefam's was to create beautiful, desirable fabrics equal to the best in the world, yet made in Pakistan. Prior to Bareeze's entry into the market, amazingly, the concept of a locally made quality fashion product did not exist. All the best markets only sold and foreign fabric and foreign goods. Opening the first store in shadman market, Lahore in 1985, Bareeze sought to change this perception.The first collection sold out in a matter of days and very soon the store had garnered the image of being a store which sells quality imported fabric claiming it to be local. Soon after, another Bareeze store was opened and then another and another. Currently, Bareeze sells from and operates 57 stores nationwide and another 10 globally. Bareeze has the distinction of being the first Pakistani chain store as well as the first Pakistani brand to go abroad (Dubai in 1995). Sefam has since broadened its vision from qua lity, desireable fabrics to quality desireable clothing for all categories of consumer.Currently sefam operates 5 brands and a total of 321 points of sale 107 location to this, sefam's brands also sell exclusively at another 10 locations worldwide. Sefams brands are: Bareeze Leisure Club Minnie Minors Chinyere Home Expressions Kayseria SERINA DYEING AND FINISHING By 1999, there was already an undeniable need for a reliable dyeing and finishing source to cater to internal processing requirements of the group. Previous experiences in the local outsourcing market had proven to be difficult with high rejection rates and unreliable delivery times.Hence Sarena was commissioned in March 2001, as a subs idiary of the Sefam Group of Industries. Since the time of inception, the factory has undergone expansion every year of its existence and now stands at 6 times its original capacity, with a heavy presence in the export market and state-of-the-art machinery. Sarena has had to work hard to make a mark in the export market. We owe our success to constant change and modernization and consistent quality. The group has invested heavily in machinery, technology and manpower to bring the process under control.Sarena boasts some of the most well-renowned brand names in textile machinery such as Monforts, Bruckner, Babcock, Lafer, Goller, Benninger, Parex and many more. Our dyes and chemicals are imported from only the most respected global companies such as Dye Star, Ciba, ICI, BASF, Clariant etc. Alongside we have spared no expense in conformance accreditations and staff training. Sarena is ISO and OkoTexCertified. In addition our in-house laboratory is underway to beco ming the first private laboratory in Pakistan to achieve the ISO 17025, which signifies conformance, reliability and standardization in all our testing procedures.We believe, that in today's world, it is important to be competitive not only on the basis of pricing, quality and service but also in R. Accordingly we invest heavily on development in weaves, finishes and constructions, and have a fresh batch of new developments offered to our foreign clientele every month. This adds to our existing portfolio consisting of successfully tested finishes such as micro-sanding, fire-retardant, mildew-resistance, anti-bacterial, wrinkle-resistance, pre/post cure, Teflon, soil repellency etc.We feel that it is out of all of the above, which spring from our thorough commitment to quality, that we still retain today our very first accounts. We invite you to come and share our quality experience. ALI EMBROIDERY MILLS (PVT. )LTD Hamedi Embroidery Mills (Pvt. ) Ltd. was established in 19 72 to do schiffli embroidery work for the local whole-sale market that was mainly catering for the low end of the textiles segment. From the beginning, Hamedi enjoyed a good reputation for its fair dealings and commitment.With the result that it had already doubled its capacity by 1978. However, in the next two to three years the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran revolution affected the embroidery industry of Pakistan so adversely that a majority of the businesses went bankrupt, and the government was forced to declare embroidery Sick Industry of Pakistan. It was at this juncture that Hamedi changed its focus from the low end of the market and concentrated on making the best possible quality of embroidery for the premium urban consumer of Pakistan.The machines as well as the business culture were ‘overhauled' with this new end in mind, and in 1985 Hamedi's sister concern, Sefam (Pvt. ) Limited, launched the new high quality product from the city of Lahore. The produ ct was well received and soon the embroidery production capacity needed enhancement. Hamedi grew rapidly by acquiring some existing embroidery facilities as well as adding machines to its original setup. It was also the first in Pakistan to import the state of the art computerized schiffli machines and designing systems from Saurer Stick Systems of Switzerland.It was then decided by the management that the the different embroidery companies be merged into one company by the name of Ali Embroidery Mills (Pvt. ) Limited. In the relentless pursuit of quality and innovation, a number of Ali Embroidery's staff were sent to Switzerland to receive training in new designing methods, machine operating procedures, and quality control techniques. At the same time, many qualified experts from Korea and Switzerland are routinely engaged to come and do hands-on training of Ali's technicians and designers at our premises.Consequently, Ali Embroidery Mills has the most well trained embroidery staff in Pakistan. This human resource combined with the many state of the art computerized machines, and designing and sampling systems has ensured that the quality of Ali's product is by far the best in the country. . Today Ali has 30 schiffli machines, and is the largest manufacturer of embroidered fabric in Pakistan. More important than the number of machines is the fact that Ali has more goodwill than all the local competitors combined. This has been a result of Ali's philosophy of fair dealings with everyone including suppliers, employees and clients.We believe that quality begins in-house when we decide to make a positive impact in the lives of all the different groups of people that will come in contact with our business. Along with this ideology, our focus on continuous innovation in products and procedures has made sure that we are always able to stay abreast of the competition OUR BRANDS BAREEZE With over three decades of commitment to quality, Bareeze is today, a recognized b rand for quality products in the domestic and international markets. It is owned by sefam (Pvt. ) Ltd. a sister concern of Sarena Industries and Ali Embroidery Mills (Pvt) Ltd. The Bareeze range includes crisp cottons, luxurious silks, sheer organza, chic chiffons and an ever-developing range of inovative products. Textile embroidery is an art-rooted tradition. Hand-done embroidery from the sub-continent was always considered a quintessence of quality, reflecting an exclusive fashion option. Bareeze is proud to be the modern day perfection of transforming traditional sub-continent hand embroidery into exclusive Bareeze fashion fabrics. Each Design – a MasterpieceTaking as much pride in our products as the traditional artisan, we ensure that Bareeze fabrics are superbly fashioned, exquisitely detailed and carefully finished, so that each design is a masterpiece. Excellence – a Bareeze Hallmark The use of only the best materials and unflinching resolve not to compromise on quality, coupled with the use of the best swiss textile machinery enables us to produce embroidered fabrics which compare favorably with the best in the world. We have more than 50 outlets nationwide, and already well established setups in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Delhi and London.Bareeze Brands There is something for everyone at all Bareeze Stores. Our resolve to excellence and decades of experience with success has enabled us to extend our product range and provide our clientele with a varied and extremely creative collection of Ready-to-Wear, Pret and Home Textile collections covering all age groups. Bareeze is a trendsetter in the mainstream fashion industry CHINYERE Chinyere is a brand synonymous with sophistication & style. The Chinyere success story began in 1999 that has now evolved into the country's most popular and accessible fashion brand.Chinyere garments are designed in-step with global fashions and in keeping with our tradition. Catering to women as well as men, today Chinyere has displays at all Bareeze outlets and is manufacturing †¢ Casual Wear †¢ Formal Wear †¢ Couture †¢ Mens Wear †¢ Sleep Wear †¢ Abayas †¢ Accessories †¢ Jewellery for the local and the international markets. MINNIE MINORS Minnie Minors is a specialty kids brand selling high-quality apparel and accessories for children under the Boys, Girls, Infants, Party Line, Toys n Tales and Accessories categories. Minnie Minor’s history begins in 1998, making it one of the oldest kids brand in its field.The appeal of the Minnie Minors is so high since its inception due to its versatile designing, high quality manufacturing, high-quality merchandise and modern retail for children ages newborn to five. Sub Brands Today Minnie Minor’s brands include Minitoes and MOM2B. Minitoes Minitoes kid's footwear is available in a range of sandals, booties, joggers, canvas casuals, long shoes. Each season Minitoes expands its extensive collec tion by adding new styles and collections. These change each season and some are only available in limited edition while others may be around for seasons to come.Check out what’s new this season. From easy on-easy off designs to the low profile, lightweight outsoles. Your kids will love the look, you’ll appreciate the supportive footbed and roomy construction and you’ll both flip for the super fun patterns. MOM2B Pregnant women want to feel pretty, attractive and comfortable in clothes that fit their style, their taste and their budget. Whether you are a pregnant woman or lady in plus size, MOM2B will allow you to discover the best clothes to wear during pregnancy whatever the size of your belly! Here’s an innovative range of apparel for expectant mothers. An irresistible ariety of styles that is trendy, traditional and sophisticated all at the same time fulfilling all of mom’s social and mood requirements. For her comfort Mom2B also offers customi zed accessories like stretch lowers and a variety of stretch-to-comfort materials giving a natural support and lift to the tummy. . Minnie Minors Outlets Minnie Minors Outlets offers what our customers know and love about us: unique quality and styleâ€â€at all outlets. There are 59 Minnie Minors Outlet stores open at premier locations nationwide with the international corporate existence at London, Manchester, Dubai and Norway.HOME EXPRESSIONS Bareeze started Home Expessions in 1999. A commitment. Home Expression ranges offer you the luxury of designed bed/ bath/table accessories. Our linen Range Is produced using the best quality cottons and polyester -cottons,dyed with speacil skill,to ensure color fastness. The 100% percale fabric used is among the finest in world . Bed linen range is combine with the distinctive embroidery designsand colors. Cotton range offers applique range which is of  more luxury and parint range which is of daily use . The bed spreads are hand -made and the embellishmaent is â€Å"Zardozi†work.This involves Working on pure velvets ,silks organzas ,jamawars and net with the finest material avaiable . this range offers bed spreads. dulais. cushions ,rugs ,photo albums fancy trunks and table accessories . Upcomming attraction for the coustomer is leather range which includes cushions ,rugs ,table accessories . Choosing the right kind of bedding means you are half way there to get good night sleep. you will find bed linen in a color and quality you love . KAYSERIA After bringing a revolution in embroidery, Sefam Pvt. Ltd. now launches another brand Kayseria – Magic in print.Welcome to the unique world of Kayseria, where every design is a masterpiece. Kayseria brings you a very special selection of pure silks and cottons in form of exclusive prints, complemented by beautiful and intricate embroideries and embellishments, to create a stunning array of fabrics, colour and designs. The designs crafted at Kayseria are t rendy yet traditional, encompassing the richness of our ethnicity and culture. If you want to pamper yourself, indulge in someone you love, or just feel special, take yourself to nearest Kayseria store. Kayseria gives you real designer clothes at affordable prices.LEISURE CLUB â€Å"Once upon a time, in a land of 180 million people, where locally made high quality, trendy clothing was not available, a compassionate and quality obsessed brand by the name of Leisure Club stepped forward to fill in the void. And so, on April 18th, 1997, hardcoded with the values of compassion, quality, integrity, and ingenuity, Leisure embarked on its mission. After 14 years of unparalleled excellence, Leisure Club has evolved into Pakistan’s no. 1 family fashion destination, featuring 3 premium sub-brands: Club X, LC Boutique, and LC Kids.Club X provides trendy urban street wear for young adults, LC boutique offers elegant eastern wear for the entire family, and LC Kids gives cool clothing opt ions for kids†. MOM2B Here’s an innovative range of apparel for expectant mothers. An irresistable variety of styles that are trendy, traditional and sophisticated all at the same time fulfilling all of mom’s social and mood requirements. For her comfort Mom2B also offers customised accessories like stretch lowers and a variety of stretch-to-comfort materials giving a natuaral support and lift to the tummy.Casual Wear Extra Support Accessories CAREER ARTICLE AND ADVICES Life at Sefam: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and provide employment to everyone regardless of their colour, race & gender. We believe our employees as our greatest asset and do not compromise on the potential and standard of our workforce. Our Philosophy: Continuous Learning Maintain High Standards Creativity and Innovative We are growing continuously and ensure our employees to share our growth with us and generate new quality standards for our competitors to reach. What we look for:While hiring, we look for dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are creative and are ready to take initiative. What make our company the best employer is the healthy environment which we provide by allowing the staff to experiment and touch the new horizons. Career Development: Continuous development is our philosophy and we believe that every employee needs some kind of training or guidance to perform better. For this purpose we arrange annual and bi annual training programs in order to groom our work force. We also sponsor small courses for employees learning. How to Apply:To apply follow the steps given below: Look for the opportunity of your interest in the current vacancy List by clicking Current Openings Tab. Click Details to view the job description. Click Apply for the application Form. If you don’t see an opportunity of your interest, click on the Apply Online Tab. Fill the Online Form and after completing it click Submit Hardwork Has No Substitute But It Should B e Focused And Followed By Tolerance, Forbearance And Fortitude, Highlights Ms. Neegam Qayyum, Executive HR, Sefam (Pvt) Ltd. Q. 1. What makes your company an attractive employer for the job seekers? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: Despite of the fact that the current market situation for employment is not very favorable, even in such conditions, Sefam (Pvt) Ltd continuous to grow and hire new staff. Sefam (Pvt) Ltd is a growing organization which has one of the largest retail chain networks nationwide. We have a diversified workforce working at all levels. We experience low turnover rate and the best thing is the location of our head office which is in the centre of Lahore and proves to be convenient for the employees. Q. 2. What is your strategy on work-life balance and how do you achieve this balance yourself? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: Sefam provides a very comfortable environment which helps our employees to balance their personal and professional life. Facilities like leaves, short leaves and t ime policy helps us to manage our work-life balance. We have relaxed and helpful environment which keeps employees motivated and enables them to manage their regular activities. In my views, the best way of achieving balance between professional and personal life is to prioritize the tasks according to their importance in our lives. Just set up your priorities and I am sure that there are very less chances of being left behind. Q. 3.Do you believe that Pakistani universities are creating an effective talent pool and what is your company’s strategy to attract the best talent in Pakistan? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: We can not say that our universities are not producing talents but there is lot more which needs to be done. Most of the graduates, after passing out of the universities, are not aware of their own skills and abilities due to which the candidates get confused in choosing an appropriate career. The lack of exposure of practical life which creates a greater challenge to fin d a job in such a competitive environment is another area to be taken good care of.The institutions need to bring out the confidence and help the graduate’s identity their skills and talent. They should be given the appropriate exposure of the market which will set them out to find an appropriate career. Career Counseling should be provided to all students on individual basis. Q. 4. Due to rough economic situation and soaring price rise, how does your company deal with keeping itself cost effective and attractive for job seekers? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: The economic situation has been very rough from the last couple of years and has affected every enterprise.However, even in such conditions Sefam has never stopped hiring and hasn’t gone for any sort of layoffs as yet. Sefam’s continuous growth has kept the spirits high. Sefam does not compromise on quality of our staff and products. We are working on more effective recruitment ways to keep our hiring costs low and retain our valuable employees. Q. 5. What are, in your views, the basic principles of success in a professional life? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I believe in: â€Å"Work , Work and Work†as said by our Quaid. Hard work has no substitute but it should be focused and followed by tolerance, forbearance and fortitude. Be open to learn new lessons, even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday†   -Ellen De Generes Q. 6. How would you rate the success and importance of online recruitment firms such as ROZEE. PK? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: Online recruitment firms have made recruitment a lot easier, reliable and cost effective. However, it still needs to flourish and create maximum awareness in Pakistan. As the economic conditions get stable and new opportunities hit the market, online recruitment will be the most reliable one. ROZEE. PK has definitely made a mark in Pakistani job market and it has set up the trend of online recruitment in Pakistan.Q. 7. How has ROZEE. PK helped your firm regarding recruitment i. e. Have you tried any recruitment tools provided by ROZEE. PK e. g. Job Fairs/Job Postings/CV Search? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: We have been using various tools provided by ROZEE. PK and have also participated in their different Job Fairs. It has been very useful and effective in certain areas. It not only provides us with a good pool of candidates but also markets our company’s actual name in the market (We are known by the name of Bareez’e which is one of our famous brands). ROZEE.PK has always been helpful to make a pool of candidates which makes it easy to select best out of them Q. 8. What is the scope of Human Resource Management in Pakistan? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: As far as my limited experience is concerned, I believe that human resource is the ‘humane’ part of organization. It is the only department which is sensitive to life, emotions, and feelings. HRM still has a long way to go in Pakistan. I am sure that time will come when every firm and institution will invest in such a department. The future of HR is bright along with a tough competition among candidates. Q. 9. Tell us about your educational life?Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I earned my bachelor’s degree from Kinnard College in sciences and started working with The City School. Later on I realized that I need to develop myself and the career which suited my skills and abilities was, as me and my Mentor came up with , was HRM. After completing my Masters Degree in HRM from Punjab University, I worked wih Strategic Systems International for some time and later joined Sefam (Pvt) Ltd. I focused on creating and bringing new ideas to life. I have been lucky enough that Sefam provided me the opportunity to start things from scratch enabling me to learn the practical ways of the field.I have been an average student and always worked on expressing things in my own definitions rather than learning by rote. I always used to re ad, understand, and express in my own words. Even in examinations I hardly used extra sheets. My focus has always been on practical part of the studies. Q. 10. What is your formula of success in life? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I don’t believe there can be a formula for success but what has always worked for me is prioritizing things both, personal and professional, followed by hardwork, persistence and the utmost important blessings, of Almighty Allah.Q. 11. What are the biggest turn-offs in an interview of a job applicant? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: The biggest turn-offs of a job applicant as I have experience are: †¢ The candidates who are not sure of the area they want to work in †¢ Candidates who ask the salary package first rather than position and job description. †¢ Candidates who are not confident in their mother language and to overcome their deficiency they keep on speaking incorrect English language. Q. 12. What do you look for in a candidate during a hiring interview session? Name 4 key things? Ms.Neegam Qayyum: The key factors I look for in a candidate are: †¢ Loyalty factor †¢ Optimistic approach towards career †¢ Relevant qualification and experience for passion to contribute Q. 13. Any good advice you want to give for the job seekers who want to enter and/ or prosper in the professional field? Ms. Neegam Qayyum: I would rather suggest that job seekers should be aware of their inborn talent and creative skills before entering the Field and find a job matching their interest and set of skills. So that when they enter the practical life they sharpen up their skills rather than getting confused about their own abilities.
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