Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nuremberg Laws against the Jews Essay
The Nuremberg Laws were aimed at preserving the purity of the German race. One of the intentions of the Nuremberg Laws was to provide for who was considered to be a Jew or what it meant to be a Jew. This paper therefore examines the Nuremberg Laws, with an aim of answering the comparative question of what it meant to be a Jew according to the laws. The Nuremberg Laws stemmed from the Nazi Racial Legislation of 1935, which was aimed at upholding the perceived Germanic racial superiority, and promoting it as such. According to Hoss (2013), the national identity in Nazi Germany was required to hold an extremely more superior race. As Stimson (2013) points out, the German racial superiority was expected to be free from the Jews’ contamination. Hoss (2013) points out that during Nazi Germany, the Germans were considered better than Jews, and so the former was required to act in a manner that annihilated the latter. It is for this reason that Nuremberg Laws were formulated to define the identity of the Jews and minimize their contamination of the perceived German racial superiority, all in the hope of safeguarding the German nation for the entire future and upholding the perceive purity of the German blood (Ward & Gainty, 2011). Article 5 of the Nuremberg Laws provided an elaboration of who was to be considered as a Jew. For instance, under Article 5(1) of the Nuremberg Laws, a person was to be considered as a Jew if he or she was a descendant of at least three grandparents who were racially full Jews. Article 5(1) was to be read together with the second sentence of part 2 of Article 2 of the Nuremberg Laws. Article 5(2) of the Nuremberg Laws also provided that a person shall be considered as a Jew if both of his or her parents were full Jews (Ward & Gainty, 2012, p. 332). Under the statute of these formed laws (i. e. the Nuremberg Laws), a person was deemed to have descended from two full Jewish parents, if (a) he or she was a member of the Jewish religious community at the time the Nuremberg Laws came to force, or joined the said community after the laws came into force; (b) he or she was in a marriage relationship with a Jew at the time the laws come into force or entered into such a marriage after the laws had come into force; (c) he or she was born to at least a Jewish parent in a manner provided under Section 1, and if the marriage from which he or she is an offspring was constructed consequent to the coming into force of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor; and (d) he or she was an offspring an extramarital relationship, that involved a Jew, in the sense of Section 1, and was to be born outside wedlock after the 31st day of July, the year 1936 (Ward & Gainty, 2012). Section 1 of the Nuremberg Laws prohibited any form of marriage relationship between German nationals or kindred blood and Jew. Such marriages were to be considered illegal and against section 1 of the Nuremberg Laws even if, for purposes of evading the law, they were concluded outside Nazi Germany. An individual who happened to be a Jew as provided under Article 5 of the Nuremberg Laws, and as has been explained highlighted in the previous paragraphs, was prohibited, under Section 1 of the Laws, from contracting any marriage relationship with a German national or kindred blood, whether within Nazi Germany or overseas (Ward & Gainty, 2012,). Similarly, Section 2 of the said laws prevented any Jew from entering into any outside marriage with German nationals or kindred blood. According to Hoss (2013) this was aimed at protecting the superiority of the German nation and preserving the purity of the German blood by ensuring that no child of German origin was born outside wedlock, and worse still, with a Jewish parent, since the Jews were not expected to mingle with the German nationals. The Nuremberg Laws did not target the Jews within the context of marriage per se, but also sought to limit the rights of the Jews in terms of free and fair management of their households. For instance, under Section 3 of the Nuremberg Laws, no Jew was allowed to employ a female German national or kindred blood as a domestic worker (Ward & Gainty, 2012). This was construed by Hoss (2013) as a way of preventing incidents of master-servant abuses (e. g. sexual abuse of female German national domestic servants by their Jewish masters), and which could, in some cases, lead to the breach of Section 2 of the laws. The Jews were also prohibited from associating with both the Reich and the German national flag. For instance, Section 4 of the Nuremberg Laws prohibited any Jewish person from hosting the Reich and/or national flag as well as hosting the colours of the Reich (Ward & Gainty, 2012). The punishments that were to be meted against the Jews who were deemed to have acted in breach of sections 1-4 of the Nuremberg Laws varied in nature, and were provided under Section 5 of the laws. For instance, acting contrary to Section 1 of the laws attracted hard labour as punishment, whereas that who breached Section 2 of the said laws was liable for imprisonment or hard labour (Ward & Gainty, 2012). Similarly, Section 5 of the laws provided that whoever (i. e. any Jew) was found to have acted contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of the laws would be liable for imprisonment for a period of not more than 1 year, and with a fine or with one of the penalties provided thereof (Ward & Gainty, 2012). In conclusion therefore, the Nuremberg Laws, when viewed from legal and moral perspectives, appear to be both illegal (especially in the context of international humanitarian law) and immoral, as they aimed at legalizing open discrimination against the Jews and denying members of the Jewish community the right to freedom of association and expression of free will. In addition, the supposed punishments for acting in breach of the various Sections of the laws were controversial, and so depended on the mood and attitude of whoever was presiding over as the ‘judge. ’ For instance, Section 5(3) of the laws fell short of defining what constituted a fine as a punishment for acting in breach of Sections 3 and 4 of the laws. The implication thereof is that a ‘judge’ may sometimes impose a fine that is not commensurate with the offence committed. References Hoss, R. (2013). â€Å"Memoirs. †Swerdloff, Howard. The World since 1924. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Stimson, H. L. (2013). The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb. Swerdloff, Howard. The World since 1914. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Ward. D. W. , & Gainty, D. (2011). Sources of World Societies vol II, since 1450. Second Edition (pp. 1-512). Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Ward. D. W. , & Gainty, D. (2012). The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (331-333), in Sources of World Societies. Volume 2: Since 1450 (2nd Ed). Boston: Bedford.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Small Towns Big City
Costumes Bring out Different Personalities Pulling up in the parking lot there are small groups of people crowded around getting out of their cars and preparing to enter the building, there is laughter and talking throughout the parking lot leading up to the building. Everyone is dressed in costumes for the theme of the party; there are mummies, zombies, cartoon characters, fairies, devils, musicians, super Heroes, cowboys and cowgirls, and many more. Everyone wearing a costume seems to present a more outgoing and somewhat â€Å"false†personality relevant to the character or thing that their costume is portraying.As we walk closer to the entrance from the parking lot you can hear the music, and the noise of the people inside. The music is loud and draws a crowd towards the doors. When we arrive at the entrance to the building there is a lady about five feet five inches tall with light brown shoulder length hair wearing a cowgirl outfit, standing behind a booth, checking Ident ification to ensure everyone who enters is at least twenty one years of age, and also collecting the entrance fee from each person. She’s talking with a fake country accent that helps add character to her costume.Her personality is bubbly and welcoming; it sets the tone for what the atmosphere is inside the building. There is another person at the entrance, a man standing beside her he is tall about six foot five or so, he has short brown hair and is wearing a uniform shirt instead of a costume. His personality is more calm and natural; I feel that this is because he is not in a costume so he doesn’t have the same ramp up as the others who are in costume have. He checks everyone’s bags for weapons, alcohol, and anything that would not be permitted inside the building.He then places a paper bracelet around each person wrist to identify that they have been checked through security, and are permitted to enter the building, this also helps the bartenders identify th at the person they might be serving alcohol to have been verified as over the age of twenty one. When we walk in the front door the noise of laughing, talking and the music has gotten much louder, it is now clear what the atmosphere in the building is, there are people everywhere, talking, drinking, and having a good time, it seems fun and relax, entertainment is everywhere.No matter what direction you turn there are so many different smells, but with the huge crowed of people the strongest of all the smells would by far be the body odor. Straight ahead as soon as you walk in the door there is a bar where a bar tendered dressed in a devil costume stands taking orders and making drinks, she seems busy and more mute then the rest of the employees, but every once in awhile she will scowl in a fun way at someone in character to her costume.There is a large line of people surrounding the bar waiting for their turn they are all laughing and some are even in a playful mood using props to t heir costumes as weapons to battle with each other. To the left is a long table of people, a dance floor, and a DJ station. Looking to the right there is more small grouped tables, restrooms, and a door to an outside area where people are smoking and talking. There is a group of people standing outside dressed as the ghost buster crew, they are all acting out scenes from the movie, they are sure to stay in full character through the entire scene.Their enthusiasm is entertaining to say the least, and it draws a crowd of people. Others start to join their lead, there is a small group of pirates that are also sward fighting and talking in accents that suggest their characters. The outside atmosphere is more playful then inside and is also a little quieter. Overall everyone is having a good time and the theme of the party is in honor of the holiday Halloween.There is costume contest that everyone was encouraged to enter, it seems to ramp up the excitement throughout the building, everyo ne begins to gather around the stage. They had everyone who entered the costume contest line up on stage one by one. The costumes were judged by the crowed in a scale of how loud their yelling was. As each person was presented in the line of contestants they acted in a way to present the character of their costumes. There was a woman dressed up as a lion tamer, and another woman with her dressed as a lion.They acted out a scene when it was their turn on stage. The tamer attempted to tame the wild lion while the lion persistently tried to attack the tamer. As the night goes on the atmosphere changes, everyone has obviously had a lot more to drink and the levels of intelligence have diminished. As I look to my left by the dance floor I see a fight between two girls, there are shoes flying, and a crowd of people quickly gathering to get in on the action. This is now becoming an atmosphere that I may not want to be in for much longer.Although the festivities are quiet entertaining and a drenaline is pumping with every move from the dance floor it is now clear that the night is almost over. As the bouncers approach the crowed they move through aggressively to break up the fight, and sort out what has happened. I watch intently to see the damages that are done its almost sad how entertaining this has become. Once the fight has been broken up, those involved in the fight, and the bouncers all leave out of the building, the party then goes on.The DJ makes an announcement that this will be the last song and the party will soon end. As the last song comes to an end the crowd of people being to leave out the front door. Everyone is still playful and maintain their characters as they gather around their vehicles and begin to reverse the entire process. Overall the night was entertaining to say the least the costumes created an atmosphere that was out of the normal and would most likely not have existed if it wasn’t for the costume and the theme of the party. Clear a nd engaging introduction that clearly states a strong thesis: 14/20 While engaging and full of detail, there is no clear thesis or map. Something like, â€Å"this was a great party because of the atmosphere, the costumes, and the mood†would have worked. * Clearly established supporting details, in the form of observations, that support your thesis: 15/20 There are lots of supporting details, but because the framework is missing, it is unclear what those details support. * Transitions and Topic Sentences: 15/20Don’t forget topic sentences at the start of every major point. They need to provide a transition, a connection to the thesis, and the topic/point of the paragraph/section. Therefore, when you start discussing atmosphere something like â€Å"Another reason why the party was so much fun was the atmosphere†would have worked. * A conclusion that reinforces the focus and dominant ideas in the text: 18/20 * Engaging Tone and Style:5/5 * Grammar, Punctuation, a nd Spelling: 8/10 * MLA Header and title: 5/5 GRADE: 80
Edith Cavell Essay
In 1914, Edith Cavell had already finished her nurse training and was giving four lectures a week to doctors and nurses, taking care for her friend’s daughter who was a morphia addict, a runaway girl, and also her two dogs. She lived a fairly mundane and busy life as a nurse; however, that changed on August 3rd, 1914 when she was back in Brussels dispatching the Dutch and German nurse homes and also making sure everyone knew that his or her first duty as a nurse was to take care for the wounded irrespective of nationality. The place she worked in became a Red Cross Hospital and so she treated anyone – including the Germans and Belgians. With war going on – Brussels fell and so the Germans commanded for the wounded and sixty nurses to go back home. Edith Cavell was one of the two people who remained in Brussels. By autumn of 1914, two stranded British soldiers discovered Edith Cavell’s training school and stayed there for two weeks. Others followed suit and then came the birth of an ‘underground’ lifeline created by the Prince and Princess de Croy at a chateau at Mons. Within this ‘underground’ lifeline, about two hundred allied soldiers were helped to escape and this secret organization lasted for one year, despite all the risks. Many of those who took part in this dangerous covert ‘mission’ knew that once they were caught for harboring allied soldiers, they’d definitely die. And Edith Cavell was one of them. Although Edith Cavell knew better to not stay involves, as she was a ‘protected’ member of the Red Cross, she made the strong decision to sacrifice her own life for the sake of her fellow men – her country. She thought her action to protect and hide the allied soldiers to be the same as tending for the sick and wounded. Edith Cavell knew very well of the consequences and by august 1915, only just a year after all the events; someone from Belgian found out and uncovered the truth. Her nursing school was searched at the same time as the soldiers escaped out through the back garden. Edith Cavell was calm throughout the whole search and not a single bit of evidence was found of such actions. She had managed through the year of keeping her ‘underground’ activities well hidden. Nurse Cavell may have been successful of not getting caught; the group of soldiers that had escaped was not. On July 31st, 1915, two members who were escaping were caught and arrested. Five days later, Edith Cavell was arrested and ready to be interrogated. After hearing that several people had already confessed, she too admitted to all the charges against her and confessed. Following the confession, she was going to be executed. United Stated and Spain heard the news about Edith Cavell and tried their hardest to commute her sentence, but failed to do so. And so on October 13th, 1915, Edith Cavell was sentenced to death for hiding and protecting allied soldiers. It was revealed that Edith Cavell was very willing to use anything in her power to save the soldiers. She has said she would have rather died and sacrificed herself than have the soldiers get shot. Her whole life, she had been trained to protect others and heal them and even risk her own life – and so she did. On the night before her execution, Edith Cavell had said to Reverend Horace Graham one of her now most famous quotes: â€Å"I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred of bitterness towards anyone.†Her execution led people in the United States and Great Britain to form an anti-German group. They used her as a heroic martyr to the war and honored with a statue. Works Cited: â€Å"British nurse Edith Cavell executed .†2013. The History Channel website. Oct 31 2013, 7:00 â€Å"War Declared.†War Declared. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Animal Oxygen Consumption Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Animal Oxygen Consumption - Lab Report Example After series of tests and manipulation, the investigator found out that, oxygen consumption of the group's subject which is the "Tilapia" increases, as incubation period increases; however, the former was found to have no direct relationship with its body weight. The result was contrasting to the experience of other groups which were assigned to investigate "crayfishes". Direct or linear relationship among crayfishes' oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight were not as well established. All living cells need energy from exterior sources to act upon their many important tasks such as biosynthesis, transportation of molecules across membranes, movement, and reproduction. Green plants for example, acquire vast amount of energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Chloroplasts surrounding the cell matrix convert solar energy into chemical energy. Moreover, most animals ingest food (usually plants and other animals) to acquire chemical energy that are stored in the food at the same time generate ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration in the same manner requires oxygen as a reactant. Thus, as an outcome of cellular respiration and cellular activity, animals are able to produce and release heat. This is one of the many unique characteristics of organisms and they as well vary in the rate of heat production as part of their metabolism.The overall process of cellular respiration can be summarized as: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP + heat (Foodstuff) (respiration) (heat) (work) Oxygen consumption was measured by estimating the energy metabolism, since the rate of oxygen consumption as well as energy utilization is generally directly related. In this exercise, the oxygen consumption of Tilapia was determined by using LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit in small volumes of water. This technique is titration-based on the oxidizing characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO). Manganese solution is also added to the tested water samples followed by a strong alkali. Later, the solution was titrated through a standard solution, followed by addition of an indicator. Objectives The laboratory activity intended to achieve the following aims: 1. To demonstrate relationship in animals' body weight, oxygen consumption per body weight with respect to the incubation periods. 2. To perform accurately the procedures in the use of LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit, titrations and balance. 3. To compare the oxygen consumption of nektonic and benthic organisms. Hypothesis There is no direct relationship among oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight for both animals (tilapia and crayfish). Methods/Procedures 1. Students are assigned into groups. Each group will be assigned and organism to work with depending on availability. 2. Fill 4 jars with the aquarium water. Using a net, select 3 animals of which your group is assigned to and gently transfer them one to each of the mason jars. The animals may vary in size. In addition, in the case of Tilapia, choose smaller ones so they have room to move about in the jar. *Collect water for your negative control first, since
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Censorship and the Global Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Censorship and the Global Network - Essay Example Nowadays lots of countries think over the problem of internet censorship implementation. But, in accordance with the Committee to Protect Journalists data, the countries with high level of filtration of internet content (China, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Iran, etc.) are suppressing the human rights of the citizens by restricting the access to free media. Moreover, the authorities often resort to some illegal methods, such as spying on journalists by means of the internet, sabotaging of their work and even different forms of violence. So, it turns out that the global network censorship serves the particular interests of some people. Key words: global network, internet censorship, filtration of internet content, CPJ. CENSORSHIP AND THE GLOBAL NETWORK Due to the growing number of Internet users, the governments of some countries resort to new, more sophisticated methods of restriction of access to information, including so-called e-censorship. Censorship is perhaps one of the most controversial topics for discussion. Many people, much understanding of this phenomenon. The generally accepted notion of censorship implies restrictions on the free form of the exchange and dissemination of information. The official reason for this restriction is a legally approved need to protect the interests of the state, society and its institutions. Internet censorship in the conceptual sense means limitation or suppression of access to information on the Internet, including the prohibition or restriction of the location or other information. On the one hand, trying to control the Internet is the same as trying to fight against windmills, at least, in those states, where the citizens' opinions matter and can influence public policy. On the other - in some countries (China, North Korea, Iran, Kazakhstan), where the total control over the joints of state networking with international ones is executed, it is possible to limit the exchange of information. Sure, it is possible, even despite the fact, that from the technical point of view the efforts of one country to monitor the whole widely ramified structure of the Internet are not enough (Madsen, 2005). The Internet censorship implies not only blocking or closing of any Web resource, but also a traffic analysis, the organization of the pseudo-opposition web resources and the application of punitive measures against the authors of the publications or the owners of web servers. For example, â€Å"in December 2000, the United States Congress passed legislation requiring Internet blocking technology to block pornographic materials in all public schools and libraries funded through certain federal programs†(Glanville, 2008) . It should be noted that the USA belongs to the countries with the nominal level of internet content filtration. CENSORSHIP AND THE GLOBAL NETWORK Today in most European countries there are no settled at the legislative level mechanisms of the Internet censorship implementation, in the true sense of this term. But who said that censorship, as well as Internet censorship, is the exclusive prerogative of the state? In fact, it is customary to distinguish several types of censorship: corporate, military, moral, political, religious. For example, the concept of corporate censorship includes the process of blocking (at times - very hard) any unsolicited information about a company or its business partners. Independent media are also subject to some kinds of censorship, because very often their
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How does mediation prevent, manage, and resolve international conflict Thesis
How does mediation prevent, manage, and resolve international conflict - Thesis Example to bring peace and security to different nations and diminishing the threats imposed on international security by bridging the gap between conflicting parties through mutual settlement and negotiation. Intractable international disputes have always been there with us and have been posing threats to international peace and security. More than this, they lead to continuous wars, violence and numerous deaths from time to time. International stability is always at stake owing to these conflicts that do not have a solution to them and where none of the disputants are willing to compromise to reach a settlement. It’s very difficult to find a solution to such intractable disputes since they go on for a long period with negotiations almost impossible. However, in such cases, mediation is a tool which can bring down the effect of the escalating disputes and its consequences including violence, war and deaths to a lower count. â€Å"It offers the prospect of escaping the dilemmas of intractability†. (Bercovitch 2004) Mediation is a process in which a third party neutral helps in resolving a dispute between two or more other parties. The role of the mediator is to facilitate and assist the parties in working out what the real issues of dispute are, allowing communication between them and other things that meet the interest of the parties by finding a solution to their dispute. (Honeyman, Yawanarajah, 2003) The paper finds out the different types of mediation; the role played by a mediator in bridging the gap between two parties involved in the dispute; the purpose of mediation in international conflicts; the loopholes that arise due to mediators losing humanitarian values and the ways of enhancing effectiveness of mediation. It has clearly pointed out the nations undergoing intractable disputes in the 70’s and 80’s and the number of deaths arising due to the parties not reaching any settlement. A case study of African civil wars also brings to the fore that
Monday, August 26, 2019
Bullying In The Work Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bullying In The Work Place - Essay Example It is often extremely hard to prove to bully as a form of criminal activity. Many perpetrators of bullying behavior often go unpunished because there lacks enough evidence to prove that their behavior causes harm. Nonetheless, the best way to deal with bullying in the workplace is to be informed on how to protect oneself from any acts of abusive conduct perpetrated either from a co-worker or the manager. Maintaining substantial personal boundaries with your seniors and bullying co-workers is perhaps the best way to self-protection. When one is being bullied especially by a co-worker, the best way is to stop them from their actions and explain how one feels about their harassing behavior. This action, as he reiterates, invokes in them the consciousness of their behavior prompting a change from their actions. Keeping calm is another way of dealing with a bully. This helps in preventing a confrontation if one were to react towards the bullying behavior. Keeping calm helps someone from g etting upset, thereby avoiding a collision that would otherwise project the whole situation.There are numerous consequences of bullying to the employee affected. There have been cases of reported health problems to persons exposed to this misconduct. These include psychological and physical harm and injuries. Targets of bullying have cited health implications on their part that include psychological and physical concerns. Bullied workers have demonstrated signs of acute stress which affects their overall performance in the workplace.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Sonny's blues( The story) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sonny's blues( The story) - Essay Example is darkness through differentiating himself from black people who did not make it out of their miserable lives, but after the death of his loved ones and Sonny’s release from prison, he embraces his darkness through the music that binds the fears, disillusions, and dreams of his fellow black brethren. Before his mother’s death, the narrator has attained his own whiteness, where he rejects the reality of his blackness. When he gets married, he focuses on his family and raising his children. He does not even visit his mother anymore, and he has lost contact with his brother. In a sense, he has left his darkness behind. Being less dark, in other words, being whiter is critical for him because he does not want to be like any other black man. When he reads about his brother being jailed in the papers for drugs, he does not want to accept the truth e: â€Å"I didnt want to believe that Id ever see my brother going down, coming to nothing, all that light in his face gone out, in the condition Id already seen so many others†(Baldwin par. 6). By saying â€Å"others,†he spaces himself from these people. They are not him, and he is not part of them. But after the deaths of his mother and young daughter, the narrator reaches out to his brother, as he becomes more conscious of how his race impacts his social class and identity. His mother knows this, especially after what happened to her husband’s brother. She asks for her eldest to take care of Sonny: â€Å"It aint only the bad ones, nor yet the dumb ones that gets sucked under†(Baldwin par. 98). She is too painfully aware that being black in itself can push anyone to inner darkness, a darkness that is so deep and entangling that not many can escape it. When the narrator’s daughter died of polio, he realizes that pain intersects them all: â€Å"My trouble made his real†(Baldwin par. 183). From here on, he began piecing his brother together like a puzzle, which helped him understand his own identity too. The narrator
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Brand Management of Video Game Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Brand Management of Video Game Industry - Essay Example For this assignment, various marketing reviews were researched upon. Scholarly articles and textbooks were researched for concepts of Brand Positioning, Product Design, Building Brand Equity and Nintendo’s strategies of Wii were analyzed in the light of the latter. In order to analyze the branding strategies of Wii, I used the concept and applications of Disruptive Strategy to see where Nintendo has positioned its Wii. This concept is also known as the â€Å"Blue Ocean†strategy where the brand is positioned in the virgin space or spot in the market which hasn’t been targeted by the competition yet. On the basis of that, Nintendo targeted the market of former gamers or non-gamers who were not habitual gamers but did play games produced in Flash or other computer games like Solitaire. Besides the brand positioning of Nintendo’s Wii, I also studied the product design of Wii in the light of the competitors’ products, Play station 3 and Xbox. This also helps Nintendo’s Wii to become more of a family brand where an adult or a non-gamer can give a fair competition to a hardcore player in the family belonging to the ideal gamer demographic profile of aged 18 – 35 years. As far as the pricing is concerned, Wii was targeted for the down-market in the game console industry. This meant that Nintendo had to push the prices down in order to attract more consumers. Its advertising and promotional strategies helped Wii to become the most selling brand during Christmas time and especially amongst families who preferred to own only one of all the consoles in the market which lead them to purchase Nintendo’s Wii. In the short-run, Nintendo did capture the market with its unique design, price and going down-market strategy but in the medium-run Nintendo was planning to go in direct competition with the other up-market brands namely Sony’s Play Station and Microsoft’s Xbox. What these major players failed to rea lize was that Nintendo was positioned just as a casual gaming brand whereas Nintendo did not only wish to stay with the family positioning as it believed that there was no casual gamer and that only non-gamer-or-former gamer existed which made Nintendo see a huge potential beyond the down-market’s easy gamers market. With a long-term plan in consideration, when Nintendo established its brand of Wii in the down-market, it then moved into the up markets which were being catered and ruled by Sony’s Play Station and Microsoft’s Xbox.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Adam Smith's View on the Declarations of Woman,Man, & Independence Essay
Adam Smith's View on the Declarations of Woman,Man, & Independence - Essay Example The exact person or people for influence that Jefferson used in Europe have been debated since the original drafting. The Declaration of the Rights of Man authored by Jerome Champion de Cice was brought about during the French Revolution and was not just about â€Å"man’s†rights but about rights of all those living in France during the time with the exception of many rights for women. The French were not content with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and created the Declaration of the Rights of Woman. This declaration written by Olympe de Gouges was specifically about French women’s rights in contrast to Cice’s Declaration to men’s rights. Adam Smith was a highly intellectual individual who attended the University of Glasgow early in life. Following graduation, Smith attended the Oxford University which played heavily in his future writings (Hanson 298). Although educated in many subjects, it was economics and specifically western European economics that Smith lectured on. Soon however, Smith began to tour Europe with a student at which time Smith met many influential leaders of the time (Hanson 298). Following the end of his tutoring, Smith returned to his birth place to begin writing. Smith leaned heavily on enlightenment philosophy in his writings and his own personal beliefs on the world. Smith wrote about the morality of the time as well as what he believed to be an important aspect of wealth, the division of labor. Historically, his work has survived both in morality philosophy as well as economic studies. Across the ocean, Thomas Jefferson was born into a different socio-economic class and personally owned slaves when he turned 21. Jefferson, unlike Smith, attended college young in life. Unlike Smith, however, Jefferson became enthralled with law studies and soon became a practicing lawyer. Due to his privileged status, Jefferson was asked to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Week 12 Experiential Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 12 Experiential Exercise - Essay Example Because of this the salesperson indicated that they spent a lot of time dealing one-on-one with clients still – something the salesperson indicated is growing rarer and rarer as internet booking becomes a more popular option. They say that their focus on high-end clientele means that they have some insulation against internet-based competition, who are better placed to compete on price than quality of service. Nonetheless, they indicated that developing online tools such as itineraries and so forth have been important elements in staying competitive in the digital age. Other than customer contact, the thing that took up most of this sales person’s average day was spent coordinating with partners that were both in house and out-of-house. They said its incredibly important to be able to understand exactly what you can and cannot offer, and what you can and cannot accommodate, so having personal and professional connections with other parts of the tourism industry is an essential part of a salesperson’s
Thermal Equilibrium Essay Example for Free
Thermal Equilibrium Essay Thermal Equilibrium If you want to know the temperature of a cup of hot coffee, you stick a thermometer in the coffee. As the two interact, the thermometer becomes hotter and the coffee cools off a little. After the thermometer settles down to a steady value, you read the temperature. The system has reached an equilibrium condition; further interaction between the thermometer and the coffee cause no more changes. This is a state of thermal equilibrium. If the systems are separated by an insulator, such as wood, plastic or fiber glass, they influence each other more slowly. An ideal insulator is a material that permits no interactions at all between the two systems. It prevents the systems from attaining thermal equilibrium if the systems are not in thermal equilibrium at the start. That’s why ice is packed in insulating materials so that the insulation delays the process of achieving thermal equilibrium with the surrounding. Zeroth law of thermodynamics If system A is in thermal equilibrium with system C, and system B is in thermal equilibrium with System C, then System A and System B must be in thermal equilibrium. Important implication: THERMAL ENERGY HEAT Thermal energy is also frequently described as internal energy of a system. The internal energy of a system is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy possessed by the molecules of the system. Heat is the amount of thermal energy transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. Important note: Heat and work are energy in transit. A body does not contain work; a force is needed to transfer energy between two interacting mechanical system. Likewise, a body does not contain heat; heat is the transfer of energy between two systems due to a temperature gradient. Does your body contain heat? If not, what does it contain? 1 The diagram shows two interacting bodies A and B. How would the heat flow; from A to B or B to A? A Internal energy = 100000 J Temperature = 40oC B Internal energy = 4000 J Temperature = 100oC Direct contact and thermal contact Two systems in direct contact mean that they are physically touching each other. Two systems in thermal contact may not always be in direct contact. Can you think of a situation where two objects are in thermal contact but not touching each other? CONDUCTION Conduction is the process by which thermal energy is transferred in a medium from faster vibrating particles (solids) or faster moving particles (liquids/gases) to slower ones through collisions. When one end of the rod is heated, the local molecules gain energy and vibrate faster. These molecules collide with their neighbouring molecules and transfer some energy to them. This process carries on with the next layer of neighbouring molecules and the energy is passed from the region of high temperature to regions of lower temperature on the rod. Why are metals good conductors of heat? 2 Hwa Chong Institution Sec 3 (SMTP) Example 2 The tiled floor feels colder than the carpeted floor even though both surfaces are at the same temperature. Why? Example 3 Why will the snow melt faster on some parts of the roof than others? Example 4 Sometimes during the winter, it is possible for the temperature to drop below freezing point during the night. In this case, farmers spray water on the fruits to prevent them from freezing. Explain how spraying water on the fruits may help. Question: Using the logic above, can we boil water in a test tube which is placed inside a beaker of boiling water? 3 CONVECTION Convection is the transfer of heat energy from a hot region to a cold region by the transfer of matter. The flow of convection is called the convection currents. Natural convection is due to a temperature difference that causes the density at one place of the fluid to be different from the density at another. Hot fluid expands and becomes less dense and consequently will rise. Whether the convection currents form convection loops (or a convection cell) depend on the space available for the convection to take place. Forced convection uses an external device such as a fan or a pump to mix warmer and cooler portions of the fluid. Question: You can hold your finger beside a candle flame without getting hurt but not above the flame. Why? Question: Some ice is trapped at the bottom end of a test tube by steel wool. A flame is applied near the mouth of the test tube until the water at the mouth of the test tube boils. Yet, the ice cubes are still present for quite a while. Explain why a fluid like water, which can transport heat by conduction and convection, does not transfer energy quickly from the flame to melt the ice. 4 Hwa Chong Institution Sec 3 (SMTP) Example 5 A half-boiled egg is prepared by placing a fresh egg inside hot water (slightly less than 100oC). You have placed three eggs at the bottom of the container with hot water. After a minute, you decided there is enough space for more eggs so you put one more egg on top of the bottom three. 15 minutes later, which of the eggs will be the most cooked? RADIATION Radiation is the process by which energy is transferred by electromagnetic waves. Radiation can travel through vacuum. This form of energy is sometimes called radiant energy. A good radiator is also a good absorber but a poor reflector. Some factors that can affect the rate of absorption / emission of radiation include 1 2 3 Colour of surface The classic experiment that shows that dark colour surface is a better absorber of radiant energy than a shiny surface. Clearly, a shiny surface tends to reflect radiation that falls on it. Hot water Surface temperature The hotter the surface, the more radiation it emits. A surface can emit all types of radiation, but at a specific temperature, it has a dominant emission wavelength (a particular type of radiation). For example, at human body temperature, the dominant type is infrared (that’s why we have infrared thermometers). In general, the hotter the surface, the type of radiation emitted will tend to shift more to the higher energy type like ultraviolet, x-ray or gamma rays. Surface area The larger the surface area, the more radiation it can emit. There are two important physics law describing radiant energy: Stefan-boltzmann law and the Wien’s displacement law. However, these laws are not within our syllabus. 5 APPLICATIONS OF HEAT TRANSFER A thermos bottle, sometimes referred to as a Dewar flask, reduces the rate at which hot liquids cool down or cold liquids warm up. A thermos flask usually consists of a doubledwalled glass vessel with silvered inner walls. The space between the walls is evacuated to reduce energy losses due to conduction and convection. The silvered surfaces reflect most of the radiant energy that would either enter or leave the liquid in the flask. Finally, little heat is lost through the glass or rubberlike gasket and stopper because these materials have low thermal conductivities. Covering a space satellite with highly reflective material can prevent excessive temperature fluctuations that can damage the highly sensitive electronic circuitry. By reflecting much of the sunlight, the foil minimizes temperature rises. Being a poor absorber means it’s a poor emitter too. When the satellite is not shone by the sun (e.g. in Earth’s shadow), it will not emit a lot of radiation and causes the temperature to plummet. Halogen cooktops use radiant energy to heat pots and pans. A halogen cooktop uses several quartz-iodine lamps, like the ones in ultra-bright automobile headlights. These lamps are electrically powered and mounted below a ceramic top. The electromagnetic energy they radiate passes through the ceramic top and is absorbed directly by the bottom of the pot. Consequently, the pot heats up very quickly, rivaling the time of a pot on an open gas stove.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Disaster Management Planning For Earthquake
Disaster Management Planning For Earthquake The risk for disaster occurs when the social, physical, environmental and economic vulnerabilities are hit by hazards. The biggest volumes of disasters are mainly a result of events originating hydrometeorogically. Even in the face of gradual understanding of the significance of reduction of disasters and disaster response capabilities, disasters continue to be a global problem especially the one of disaster management techniques. It is now globally accepted that plans should be put in place to reduce the risk of a disaster. The plans should be conceptualised and brought into action in spheres such as policies, programmes for poverty reduction and should be assisted by international and regional cooperation. Poverty reduction, proper governing and sustainable development are mutually cooperative plans along with disaster management. Efforts have to be made at a rapid pace to put in place the required plans to counter any threats posed at the regional and international level by disast ers. Introduction The occurrence of such disasters has continued to increase in a rapid succession. More than three million lives were lost due to disasters in the last quarter of a century itself. This number does not stop as billions have been affected in some way or the other. The cost of rehabilitation from these disasters has run into thousands of billions alone. The increase in the population of the world only enhances the chance of disaster risk which could cause massive casualties and harm to the human life in large numbers. The six billion mark in world population was reached on the 16th of November in 1999. The annual growth rate was estimated at nearly 1.33 %( seventy eight million every year). There is a greater risk on account of the industrialization and vast urbanization since a lot of people are moving to urban areas which do not have sufficient health care and infrastructure in place. Energy is released after accumulation in the volcanic activity or geological faults which cause seismic waves to bring about movement of the crust which is known as an earthquake. Humans are able to only detect three thousand earthquakes from the total of five hundred thousand earthquakes that occur every year. 7 to 11 out of these 3000 earthquakes cause significant damage to property and human life though this figure has increased the past few years. The toll of death due to an earthquake can range from as less as five to higher than two hundred and forty thousand. One out of two cities in a developed country is susceptible to a natural hazard like earthquake. Seventeen of the twenty largest cities are situated in countries with low resources. Eighty percent of the population of the world will reside in developing countries by the year 2025 according to an estimate. The research on natural disasters is of a lot of significance in case of developing countries. What is a Disaster? Many definitions have been put forward regarding disaster. Samuel Henry Prince started the study related to disasters in 1971 in Canada during the worst disaster witnessed in Canada. The disaster in point is the ship explosion occurred in 1917 in the harbour of Halifax, Nova Scotia. His research and social exploration of the implications of the disaster paved way for further theoretical and empirical research that lasted through the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. This saw a change in the way disasters were perceived. The focus shifted from the primary physical agent to the description and definition of disasters related to the social impact caused by it. Various academic disciplines were dedicated to the study of nature and disasters during the 1960s and 1970s. The definition of a disaster can be classified between the national and international level. The working definition of a disaster is designed in way to suit the professional background of the place where it is defined and is closely associated to the studies, work and research that is carried out. The World Health Organization has defined disaster on the base of the resultant health implications post the disaster. They have made use of the terminology called as Health Action in Crises. The International Red Cross has taken into account the factors that cause interference in human life. IN simple words, floods, earthquakes and hurricanes only acquire the status of a disaster when they leave behind a negative and disruptive impact on the living force. Al-Madhari et al in 1997 studied if a universal definition for the term disaster is possible and came up with a definition that takes into account both the factors of economic and health implications. The definition was as follows- an event localized in time and space with one or more of the following consequences occur: 1) Ten or more fatalities, 2) Damage exceeds $1 million, 3) 50 or more people evacuated. This is the basic essence that is found in most definitions of disaster which may carry different views. All the definitions accept disaster as a situation that is beyond the cope of control of the local community which warrants the need of external help. The disasters maybe a result of naturally occurring phenomena like extreme changes in climate or weather, technological and man made threats. Psychological stages of disaster Heroic stage The heroic stage is shown by the community and the individuals within that direct the various levels of energy in the tasks of help, rescue, shelter, clean up and repair. This behaviour is carried out in the span of a few hours to even days if required. Honeymoon stage The optimism characterized by the people in the community is the showcase of this stage in spite of the losses that occur due to the disaster. There is a wide media attention and, flow of resources inwards, and reassurances by personal visits by high profile personalities that look towards the rehabilitation process of the community. They provide the hope and belief that life will return to normalcy and no traces of the disaster will be seen. These resources though tend to exhaust by the third week of the aftermath of the crisis, there is reduced media attention and the real problems in the rehabilitation program start to develop. The energy shown by the survivors in the community gradually starts to fade away and gives way to the next stage of disillusionment. Disillusionment The hard experiences, the lack of necessities and the work needed to be done to restore normalcy creeps up on the person which leads to disillusionment among the survivors. Survivors find that the various types of financial help being offered are in the form of loans instead of grant, home insurance was not the best available option and that politics played a bigger role in the decision making. Signs of disgruntlement is how by means of complaints related to abandonment, betrayal and injustice, incompetency and bureaucracy. Stress is a negative aspect that troubles the survivors which slowly disintegrates any hope that may be left. Recovery All the work for which the base has been setup starts to show results. The applications are passed, loans are approved, and reconstruction is started. The individuals start to work at their normal capacities. People start regaining the state of normalcy with a period of six months after the disaster. Some individuals might take up to thirty six months. There is an overall sense of appreciation to aspects like life, relationship and morale towards tackling problems all owed to the lessons learnt post the disaster. Stages of Disaster Response Preparation stage The main objective of this stage is to improve the healthcare system and the general system that can be improved to the extent that future disasters can be tackled with ease and efficiency. Quick Reponses Stage The main objective of this stage is to make sure that there is a prober health response in case of a disaster strike that may create some needs. Counselling is provided during this stage which is present in the current health system. There should be help sought from external sources to boost the resources that are available in case they are not sufficient to fulfil all the necessary needs. In many cases the local supplies may not be enough to meet the requirement of the community which is why the stock has to be filled with the help of some additional commodities obtained from other external sources. Recovery Stage This stage has to be worked upon continuously and lasts more than a month after the disaster takes place. This stage could go on for years depending on the resources that are available for rehabilitation and the impact and type of the disaster. The needs of the survivors are taken care of by the local providers in this stage. Federal funds may flow in case the disaster is declared as a Presidential Declared Disaster. The funding is given to those in need of individual help. Disaster Management Definition of disaster management A lot of definitions have been put forward by authors on the topic of disaster management. A lot of these definitions merely explain the meaning of the term rather than completely stating the terms of preparation for a disaster. Christopolis, Mitchell and Liljelund regarded efficient and effective abilities and result of disaster response as the main themes of preparation for a disaster (2001). Creating a local response system and providing early warnings is also a big part of preparation (Integrated Regional information Networks, 2005). The definitions by United Nations Development program, McEntire and Twigg have definitions similar in theme with their own take on the preparation for a disaster. The program by United Nations holds hazard easing as the central source for disaster preparation along with the inclusion of planning in the description (2004). Similarly, McEntire and Twigg also consider hazard easing as a crucial aspect in disaster preparation saying that it should be a p art of it (McEntire, 2003 and Twigg, 2002). McEntire talks about different factors relevant for disaster preparation as a local government function that includes vulnerability and hazard evaluation. The lesser highlighted aspects of disaster preparation are also very important. Izadkhak and Hosseni point out education to be the foremost media in the preparation of a community for disasters (2005). The emergency plans, storage of food, securing furniture to walls and creating inventories of storage commodities are a part of this level (Paton, Smith, Johnston, 2003 and Siembieda, 2001). Review of preparation literature The disaster preparedness aspect is basically dynamic in nature which keeps changing constantly. The researches find out new facts with the occurring of new disaster even with respect to the community. The disasters and crisis are consistent but the practises applied in its management still lack the capacity to provide necessary results. McEntire has worked towards some crucial points in disaster preparedness and emergency management in his study. McEntire, Fuller and Johnston and Weber (2002) published an article reviewing the emergency management and the methods related to it. The main concern in the 2002 research was vulnerability while McEntire also finished his research related to disaster preparedness. Dynes also provide his view on emergency planning. His views were based on research instead of military models. The problem solving methods of Dynes emphasizes cooperation and coordination as the key aspects. (1994). This concept has been used in developing many other models as opposed to the earlier practice of using military models and instead switching to a research based and discipline specific model. The best methods of disaster preparedness incline towards discipline specific objectives as in the case of emergency management. A valuable amount of work has been spent for the identification and evaluation of the concepts and principles that are used in disaster preparedness. Some contributions have been made to development of disaster preparedness with the aim of creating a theory based practise and practise based theory (Gillespie and Streeter, 1987). The contributions from most individuals are not aimed at the creation of a complete disaster preparedness technique but individual research has helped immensely in making contributions towards building a complete disaster preparedness plan. A case in point is the research by Kirschenbaum (2002) article based on disaster preparedness from the point of view of Israel. The inferences drawn from his study were found to be applicable in a general environment. Perry and Lindell (2003) based their study on disaster management on the principles of perspective and planning and were able to identify 10 guidelines that should be used in the process of planning. Lindell was more focused on the planning while Kirschenbaum gave more importance to localized applications and principles. Each on his own was able to contribute an important aspect that led to the creation of a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan although none of the studies focused on all the aspects on the whole. Components of disaster management Earthquake Risk The risk of earthquake is a seismic risk to the environment and its habitats. The earthquake risk is inversely proportional to the capacity of resisting it. Research based on social learning by May (1994) shows that the more knowledge that is available, the less is the worry and lesser in the rationale for prevention. Knowledge and the use of the knowledge in the best way are required to improve the safety measures today. There is a process known as Earthquake Risk Management that works towards the prevention of threat or danger from an earthquake, reducing risk or consequences of an earthquake. It also deals on topics like preparation for dealing with a disaster, responding to a threat due to natural disaster, capacity building and knowing the effects of the natural disasters. There are the basic points of evacuation, rescuing, relief, rehabilitate and reconstruct that are covered. The population in India was marked at over a billion in 2001 and is estimated to be doubled by the yea r 2050. This calculates to a population growth of 1.61% per annum. The risk of earthquake increases by leaps and bounds in such a scenario. The urban areas are been populated to the extent of being overcrowded and figure in the highest density in the world of 237 people per square kilometre. This only worsens the situation. People in thickly dense areas have no alternative but to live in conditions like low lying areas situated closely near the rivers. This makes it mandatory to keep a full time alert and be ready with a disaster preparedness plan. Gillespie and Banerjee (1993, pp.242) have proposed there is a 5 stage plan which spirals upward with more refined levels including avenues, assessment, knowledge, preparedness and practise. The central point in these levels is considered to be knowledge. As pointed by Srivastava et al (2007), the reduction in disaster risks can be brought about by the proper use of information. Disaster management planning for earthquake In the past few decades, a high level of importance has been attached to the effective and efficient management of information and its use as a key component of disaster management in the regions of Asia especially Pacific Asia. Disaster management information systems have been setup by a number of countries according to their own calculations and needs. The applications include early warnings, reduction of disaster risks and emergency planning. The information plays an important part in disaster management and it should be used wisely. The needs of the information related to disaster management can be classified in two activity categories Pre disaster activities like research and analysis, prevention, risk assessment and preparedness. Post disaster activities like rehabilitation, response and reconstruction. The data related to disaster can also be classified into two categories- Pre disaster data consisting of the risks and the country Post disaster data showing the impact of the disaster and the resources available to counter the effects. National Disaster Management Information System The main aspects of a disaster management information system is a database containing the following- Mapping of hazard assessment Vulnerability Assessment Distribution by Demography Lifelines, Infrastructure and Critical Facilities Transportation Routes and Logistics Material and Human Response Resource Communication Facility The use of Disaster Management Information System is based on three aspects- Preparedness planning Response and mitigation Recovery Earthquake activities Preparation and Planning Identifying areas prone to earthquake Identifying problems Identifying and using Resources Control and command Advance Preparatory Action Post earthquake activities The relief activities needed to be performed by the government are- Maintaining uninterrupted communication Endorsing disaster preparedness and relief measures through media like newspaper and AIR. Evacuating and movement of commodities of essence such as petroleum should be facilitated in transport. Making sure that essential commodities are available at a reasonable rate. Providing adequate supply of drugs, vaccine and medicine. Restoration and preservation of physical communication links. Providing infrastructure such as latrines, shelter, electricity, road etc. On a temporary basis by making the necessary investment. Mobilising financial resources. In addition to these aspects, there are certain secondary functions that are needed by the relief efforts of the State such as Military aid should provide relief, restoration and rehabilitation services to the civil authority. Backup plans for cattle preservation, crops and health measures should be put in place. Technological and technical inputs for providing drinking water. Providing technical assistance for water management, water budgeting and several other uses. Coordinating activities of the voluntary and state agencies. Knowledge Management The knowledge related activities are dealt taken care of by the knowledge management procedure (Wiig, 1997: Civi, 2000). These activities include organizations and creation of knowledge along with share and use of the knowledge. Knowledge management can be more appropriately defined as the strategies and processes of identifying, capturing and leveraging knowledge. This definition was provided by the American Productivity and Quality Centre. Knowledge management is a field on the rise which has been able to collect considerable attention especially from the industrial community. A large number of industrial organizations have taken to knowledge management programs which serve as proof of its widespread use. These programs are helpful in making the industries more competent and improving their organizational performance. It is only a matter of time when all the companies will adopt such a program and the only factor to be accounted for is the way in which it has to be implemented to m ake optimum use of knowledge management and managing it properly at the same time. Implementation of Knowledge Management The Knowledge Management concept has caught a lot of attention due to its importance but there are only a few industries that have been able to make optimum use of the knowledge management techniques by managing the knowledge in their respective organizations. Stoney and Barnett (2000) suggest that a major number of Knowledge Management steps are bound to fail. This is due to the fact that the implementation of Knowledge Management is not an easy task that can be carried out by an organization. Technological infrastructure needs to be in place for the implementation of Knowledge Management along with change in the culture of the organization and managing knowledge of different types. Organizations that have made use of the Knowledge Management without making certain of the necessary resources at their disposal have mainly failed due to improper infrastructure and implementation. Implementation of the Knowledge Management is a tough task for any organization as pointed out by Drucker (1993) who is known as the father of modern management theory. He stressed on the fact the biggest challenge faced by an organization is the building of a systematic framework for the management of knowledge. Hence, it is imperative to build a perfect prototype or framework which helps the organizations before the implementation of Knowledge Management. Framework definition According o the Oxford English Dictionary, (2003), the framework is defined as a structure composing of parts that are framed together especially designed for enclosing or supporting anything like a skeleton or a frame. Popper (1994) has defined framework as a set of assumptions or fundamental principles of intellectual origin that form the basis for action. In accordance with these definitions, framework can be said to be a framework or a structure formed using a set of specific instructions or principles that is required to provide a base for carrying out necessary activities and actions. Knowledge Management Frameworks According to Rubenstein-Montano et al. (2001b), Knowledge Management frameworks are categorized as a mode of providing guidance in a specific discipline. This means that it shows the way towards the building of Knowledge Management in a specific discipline completely. Dale (1999) defines framework as a tool used for the development and laying out of plans, a guide that helps an organization to carry out a certain action that works best for their business needs at their own pace. The framework most importantly acts as a link between the practical and theoretical aspects of the Knowledge Management and eases its implementation during an emergency or disaster. Various Knowledge Management frameworks The frameworks that have been described in theory are made to focus on different parts of Knowledge management and achieving its various purposes. The most popularly known framework is the framework for knowledge creation created by Nonaka (1991, 1994) that explains the evolution and conversion seen between tacit knowledge (not easy to articulate) and explicit knowledge (can be easily put into words). This is not the perfect form of a framework since it is only concerned with the creation of knowledge which is nothing more than a part of the Knowledge Management. Another type of framework that is described in theory is the one that provides information on cyclic processes of the Knowledge Management. From the studies of Rubenstein-Montano et al. (2001a), it is evident that many of these frameworks only provide activities that stress on the knowledge cycle activities. They lay importance on phases of knowledge without providing supervision in the implementation of Knowledge Management. The examples of such frameworks are plenty including the framework by Bose and Sugumaran (2003) and many of the frameworks that were studied by Rubenstein-Montano et al. (2001a). A third type of framework is the one developed by researchers that is used to explain the performance of Knowledge Management in an organization. The framework provides reference to shoe the analysis, structure and evaluation of the Knowledge Management in various organizations belonging to different fields. They were developed by Apostolou and Mentzas (1998). Framework requirements The framework helps in understanding, improving awareness and gives the conceptual definition of the Knowledge management that informs the people about the processes involved in it. Al the components can be understood with the help of a framework and puts the Knowledge Management in perspective by providing the people with a clear and concise vision which helps in its implementation. Managers find framework as a beneficial and important tool since it helps to decide whether all the aspects related to the Knowledge management have been covered that may be easily overlooked without the framework. It also helps in enabling the implementation process and helps coordinate the efforts put in by the organization in a controlled and systematic way. System Approach Framework Holsapple and Joshi (2002) laid out a three layer framework which consists of three major building blocks known as knowledge resources, activities and influences. The resources pat highlighted the pool of the knowledge of the organization that can be classified into six main forms of resources namely participants knowledge, infrastructure, culture, knowledge artefact, strategy and purpose. The activities block represents the processes to be used by the organization for manipulating the knowledge resources. Holsapple and Joshi (2002) were able to identify 4 activities related to this aspect namely acquiring, selecting, internalizing and using the knowledge which means the generation and externalization of knowledge. The manners in which these activities are performed tend to be influence by a number of factors that can be seen in the next block called as knowledge influences. The implementation is greatly influenced by this block and is classified into three categories namely resource (human, financial, material and knowledge), managerial (coordination, leadership and measurement) and environmental (customers, competitors, suppliers, markets and other conditions). The three aspects when viewed collectively act as the main components in the operation of Knowledge Management. A framework was created with the idea of four stages namely review, concept, reflect and act by Wiig et al. (1997) in order to explain a number of Knowledge Management techniques and methods. Review is the first step and relates to evaluating and monitoring the performance of the organization to find out whether the desired results have been obtained. Conceptualize has two parts namely analysis of knowledge and inventory knowledge. The former is used to identify and assess the problems, weakness, strengths threats and opportunities related to knowledge. The latter is used to find out the state of knowledge in the organization by finding out the knowledge assets. TH reflect part is used for the following- Create teams for assessing. Find out the Knowledge management requirements. Collect knowledge by identifying. Design structure to knowledge in warehouse. Maintain technology. Test the technology again. Train the knowledge workers. Show the use of Knowledge management practises. Track the usage. Get the system to start. Measure the productivity and quality, measure Knowledge Management practices. Conduct assessment review of the processes. Hygoyo Protocol Framework of Hyogo The priorities, mission and vision of the National Framework were created in synchronisation with the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) 1005-2015 that was agreed upon by all the nations in January 2005 in the city of Kobe, Japan during the UN-World conference held for Disaster Reduction. The expected result of the HFA after ten years is significant reduction in the lives and economic, social and environmental assets of the countries and communities. The following objectives have been adopted by HFA to attain the desired results- Better integration of disaster risk considerations and accordingly makes development policies. Planning at all the levels with focus on disaster prevention, preparedness, reduction and vulnerability reduction. The strengthening and development of institutes, capacities and mechanisms at all the levels especially at the community level that can help in building resistance to hazards. Incorporation risk mitigation approaches in the implementation of recovery programs, response and emergency preparedness that is used in rehabilitation of the affected communities. Scope This particular framework relates to provision of guidelines and direction to the national, local and provincial institutions. Aspects such as capacity building and vulnerability reduction are the crucial factors that help the communities and institutions to counter disaster risks. The strategies, policy implementation are taken care by this phase and programs for the parts of disaster are provided for. There are certain challenges that are recognized in the five major areas as follows- Governance- legal, organizational and policy frameworks. Risk identification. Monitoring, assessment and early warnings. Knowledge education and management. Reduction of risk factors. Preparedness to improve response and recovery. The Yokohama strategy concludes in its review the discussions in the World Conference on Disaster Reduction and the desired result that was decided can be described into five priorities of action as follows- Make sure disaster risk is a local and national priority with a very strong institutional base for execution. Identify, monitor and assess the disaster risks and identify early warnings. Use innovation, knowledge to build a safety culture which is strong at all the levels. Reduce the risk factors Make the disaster preparedness strong for better response. Case study of earthquake in Pakistan with respect to Knowledge Management The earthquake in Kashmir in 2005 was a massive earthquake with its epicentre in Pakistan controlled Kashmir close to the city of Muzaffarabad that affected the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilbit Baltistan province of Pakistan. It took place at 8:52:37 PST on the 8th of October. It was similar in size to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and 2001 earthquake in Gujarat with magnitude of 7.6. Tremors of this earthquake were felt in surrounding nations like western China and Tajikistan. Four people died in Afghanistan while close to fourteen hundred people died in India controlled Kashmir according to reports. The damage caused was blamed on poor construction and major up thrust. Infrastructure Network usage- the network usage was high throughout the phases of recovery. Data and voice communication was very good in Islamabad. The landline network was brought on track within a coupe of days in town hit by the earthquake and the cell network was extended post the earthquake. The areas that were hit the worst had no assistance and relief and were left with no communication. Some parts were wiped out entirely. The skills to manage the technology were available in Pakistan but the management was not properly planned. Network Availability- At first the network was very low during recovery and later was raised to a medium level. The inconsistency of connection was the main factor rather than low bandwidth. The connection would break consistently which proved to be disruptive. The limitations were known fully in the remote areas but the staff did not pay heed to the cell coverage problem. Cell phones are not adequate in such circumstances. Inter
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Science And Technology In Malaysia Marketing Essay
Science And Technology In Malaysia Marketing Essay The two parts of Malaysia are Malaysian peninsula and the states of sabah and sarak. There are 13 states in Malaysia and has 3 territories. It has a total land mass of 330000 sq km. the fourth fifth part of it is tropical rain forest area. it got independence in 1957. It follows the parliamentary democracy system which is been rotated at every five years .In Malaysia various cultures are followed and it has a multilingual society with 28.66mn people. In Malaysia there are 57.1% malay people, 24.6 % Chinese people , 7.3% Indians and 11% other people. There is a freedom of religion in Malaysia although major part of the people follow islam.61.3% people follow islam 19.8% follow Buddhism ,9.2% follow Christianity ,6.3 follow Hinduism and 2.6% practices other religion. The economy of malaysia was not that good previously as it was a middle income country.But it has developed its country in every sector but mostly the focus is on high technology and capital intensive industries. It is also focusing on the automobile industry in Malaysia. As it is continuously developing their economic performance has also improved which has also improved their ranking 7th place out of 59th economies. It is among the 20 trading is ranked among the top 5 competitive competitive nations. It is also 21st exporter among the worldwide nations. Malaysia is also a location which provides low cost competition for investors who wants to manufacture advanced technological product. the economy of Malaysia is also supported by the Malaysian government policy. It has also launced economic transformation program which identifies 12 natioanl key economic areas which contribute to the grouth of Malaysia . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Vision 2020 is to transform Malaysia into a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢high income country and for which Malaysia requires annual growth rate GNI of 6%. Due to the weaker domestic demand GDP growth lower to 4.0 percent year -on- year and further implementation of ETP project will boost domestic demand, but unlikely to offset underperformance in net exports. Germany has good trade relations with Malaysia and germany also invest good amount of money in Malaysia .malaysia also holds the second position when it comes to usinf of german products. As we know that germany is the largest exportor of automobile parts,so Malaysia also imports large amount of automotive parts in germany. As Malaysia is the huge market for automotive industry several german manufacturers have entered into the Malaysia .they all work only for the automotive industry.we can take the example of several companies such as BMW Benz,Mercedes Benz. The distribution of the product is carried out by the brand owner or the company itself such as BMW Benz, Mercedes Benz. The Malaysian government also had developed several policy to develop the automotive industry of Malaysia and strengthen the position of the industry ao that they can reduce their dependability on agriculture. They are focusing on automotive industry mainly so that they can reach the position of a developed nation by 2020. The most important thing for Malaysia is their seaborne trade. They have seven international ports which has helped them to increase their trade with other countries. Port klana and the port of Tansung have been ranked in top 120 ports in the world. When it comes to business the most important thing is that we have to keep in mind business meeting schedule. They should not be scheduled on the prayer time. When we are doing the business with muslims as the country is dominated by muslims. When a company is doing business with Malaysian government than it should be done in their language of bhara. Other business with Malaysian companies are done in English. In their culture they give more importance to their designations and also what are think that is to be done in the job. There are some etiquettes that are to be followed with Malaysian companies. The currency of Malaysia is 1 rinngit and the GDP growth rate is 5%. The inflation rate is 3.3% 3.5% in Malaysia. They export many commodities like electronic, petroleum products, rubber products etc. The rate of unemployment is 3.0%. In the automotive industry after the formation of the policy two projects were there which dominated the market. They are proton and perodua Whereas proton brought a huge change in the industry. Previously they were doing the work of assembly line and they moved from it and started producing vehicles due to which the business reduced because people preferred to buy their own country brand. Malaysia hold the 3rd position in the car market. In 2012 budget, the government has provided some benefits for the development of domestic automobile industry. As there are many foreign competitors present in the Malaysian market the government of Malaysia is trying to protect their technology industry from the competitors and therefore just to protect their industry they have made certain policies So that they can protet teir domestic companies from their competitors and that the country can develop rather than being depeendant on any other investors. They have introduced certain policies and tariffs . Therefore just to protect their industry they are imposing certain restrictions on foreign competitors. They are taking high excise duties from their foreign competitors so that they can advantage of these companies and at the same time it does nat harm their own domestic market. They are imposing import duties .according to the MTI the foreign companies have to work cooperatively with the local partners.The duties that are imposed on the vehicles depend upon the type of the vehicles. Information technology is playing an crucial role in the professional and personal lives of any individual. The constituents of the technology are Computers, communications, digital information, and softwares. Also, those who search aggressively for opportunities to learn more about technology and those who choose not to learn anything at all about technology, there are many things to recognize the potential value of technology for their day to day lives and also those who realize that a better understanding of technology will be helpful to them. This realization have some several factors: Technology has entered in ones lives over a relatively brief period of time with little warning and essentially no formal educational preparation among the fewer people Current use of technology have a limited understanding of the tools that are been used and a belief that they are underutilizing them. Few people do not feel confident or in control when they are confronted by technology, and they would like to be more certain. Also, there have been impressive claims for the potential benefits of technology, and many would like to realize those benefits. There is an concern on the part of some individuals that changes implied by technology which leads to potential risks to social values, freedoms or economic interests, etc., obligating them to become informed. Modern information technologies are a rapidly advancing field that can facilitate new effective means for retailers to reach consumers. Methods profiled below include the use of the Internet as a provider of static information and facilitator of traceability schemes, in-store interactive screens and information kiosks, personal shopping assistants, television monitors, mobile technologies and customer club cards. Smart ads, interactive window-shopping and holographic imaging as emerging technologies are also profiled. A second application of technology includes traceability schemes, which go beyond providing static information to enable consumers to trace supply chains of individual products. Todays emerging application offers retailers an opportunity to increase consumer trusts in both the retailer and the products on. Also, when tracing products through the supply chain, consumers can feel more that they are part of the chain, which helps in increasing the likelihood of environmental and social externalities being considered in purchasing decisions. With increased knowledge of supply chain issues gained by compiling traceability of information that offers tangible benefits to retailers such as quality tracking. Technologies also offer another opportunity to provide sustainability information to consumers. Quick Response (QR) have been used in malaysia to transfer product information in-store to the consumer. Through QR code readers are mainly available through a technology called i-mode a Japanese mobile communications company. QR codes which are readable by a mobile phone camera are affixed onto a product or package and direct consumers to online product information via wireless internet i.e mobile phones. The Malaysian technology report presents the technology requirements resulting from the activities of the process design teams, that describes the of target technological environment that is required to support the activities. and also provides estimation of the costs associated with the deployment of the environment. Also provides the description of the assumptions made by the team during the project, and an illustration of the data model used during the estimating process. The technology project results in a number of significant changes to the existing application environment: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢New applications are visioned for Service sectors. These systems are supported by the use of imaging technology. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The Service systems will be augmented to provide Private Agents with a user-friendly interface, and will also employ imaging technology. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The Service system will be provided with the consistent user interface. There is not a requirement for imaging services within this application Science and Technology in Malaysia In Malaysia science policy is regulated by ministry of science, technology and innovation, ministry of agriculture and the ministry of health. In 1998 high- tech exports made 54% Malaysian export. And in 1987 to 1997 research and development used 0.24% GNP. Malaysian national space agency in 2002 formed which deals with Malaysian space activities, space education and space experiments. RazakSAT satellite is a remote sensing satellite with the CCD camera. Angkasawan space flight program helpful for the Malaysia to transport one Malaysian to the space station. Malaysian privatized part of its military in 1970s to support national development and by this Malaysian defense industry council formed. And government also making efforts for the competitiveness and development of the sector. The Malaysian armed force uses weapons and hi-tech weapons and military imported from foreign countries. The Malaysian Antratic Research Program and national antratic research center were established to became partly to the antratic treaty. Biomass Energy Technology In the 9th Malaysian plan biomass energy has given more importance. Many incentives were provided for the promotion of biomass energy. It is used for the palm oil, rubber and brick making and also for the commercial use through this small renewable commercial program. By the process of conversion biomass is converted into liquid fuel and the part of it is used for the diesel in Malaysia. Through fermentation and gasification, biomass is converted into biogas. This status of technology used in Malaysia with environmentally clean and economically clean and viable system. Through the application of biomass technology number of issues were solved of emissions. For the techno-economic analysis many issues like labor cost and availability of raw material were solved. The technology from biomass make environment friendly produced high quality fuel from types of biomass and producing high grade fuel from low quality waste like feedstock. For the removal of hazardous air pollutants cost efficient preventive pre-treatment effective technology were used. For the demand of liberalized energy and cogeneration market this technology developed. And this require a good commercialization plan for the success of this technology in Malaysia. And for this commercial programs are also highlighted. Technology will also make a significant contribution to the automation of internal business activities. Workgroup products will be used to manage the handling of customer requests, approval processes, and product development cycles, and shared databases will be used for the efficient creation and management of stakeholder, agent, customer, or product information. The use of such tools facilitates the automatic collection of performance statistics, allowing for the management of cycle times and further improvement of the automated processes. As a key part of this environment, integrated office automation products and usage standards will be implemented. In 2011 Malaysian Automotive Association registered a decrease of vehicles of 7.5% and this sales was affected due to disruption of the supply chain from natural disasters in Japan and Thailand. Now in2012 sales expected to raise but not much as of hybrid vehicles which expected to grow 60%. In Malaysia national car manufacturer appoint other companies to act as a distributor for them ,while foreign car makers choose different means to distribute their automobile Majorly Malaysia import the car parts and components rather export. As it get export to AESAN countries Thailand and Indonesia,but large quantities are also transferred to China, Syria and UK. Component industry In early 1980 with launching of proton the development of the ancillary and supporting industries created opportunities for growth in the manufacturing of component parts and accessories. Now therearemorethan704automotive components and parts manufactured in Malaysia and there about 45 vendors in the automotive component industry who has achieved the capabilities to design and develop, components and manufacture the whole component both for the original equipment and replacement markets . Malaysia being main producers and exporters of vehicle parts, accessories in the countries like in Japan, Germany and the UK due to their quality, compliance with international standards and competitive prices. Now, with facing many challenges with globalization the Malaysian government felt that there is a policy framework for the domestic automotive sector the government launched the National Automotive Policy (NAP)in March2006,which primarily aims at progressive market .In September2009,the NAP was revised to encourage new investments, ensure a long term sustainability of the domestic automotive industry, ensure safety and quality of products and services and protection of the environment An economic region grows together In2002,the ASEANwas founded to facilitate trading relations between the Asian countries in particular, but global economy also profiting from commit ment encourage competitiveness. Malaysia, as a member, to the policies decided upon in this multilateral forum it gradually reduced trade barriers. Over the years the government has pull to pieces its protective policies. Import duties on CKD (completely knocked-down units) and CBU(completely builtup units)from ASEAN members have been reduced to 0%and 5%.Duties from non-ASEAN countries for CKD have been reduced to 0%- 10%,while duties on CBU have now reacheda30%. As former prime minister Turn Dr Mahathir said that Malaysia cannot rely on imported auto technology forever the country needed to invent new technology in the automobile industry especially in green technology engineering and electric-powered engines which were currently the main focus of manufacturers and producers of cars in the world. He said now it time to move from preventing itself from continued dependence on foreign technology, home grown technology could also contribute to the economy of the country. Most of our work is only in assembling or putting together products made by other people . Chief executive officer MadaniSahari said that Today, items such as airbags, global positioning systems (GPS) and anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are naturally included in all cars in other countries but in Malaysia these high-tech items are not present. In 1983, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then Prime Minister, established Proton to build the national car in collaboration with Mitsubishi. The car name Proton Saga rolled in 1986 as the first nation car (NC) and thereafter In 1993, Perodua was established and, in collaboration with Daihatsu, launched the PeroduaKancil as the second NC .The main objective of the automotive vision was to spin off local suppliers, create job opportunities, upgrade the know-how of our workforce and, ultimately, to create a local identity for the Malaysian automobile sector. Though much efforts are made by government for customers to buy national car but customer refer to buy non national car because advanced safety they get from other brands. The sales of car in Malaysia over the last five years have increasing from 490,768 units in 2006 to 605,156 units in 2010. This has largely been facilitated by easy availability of credit at low interest rates, and a high level of grant on petrol prices. The Malaysian Car Sales shows that Proton and Perodua are the main players, commanding about 55% of the market share. But despite huge difference in price NC and NNCNNC brands have still managed to acquire share (at 45%) of the market. The reason behind of buying NNC brand because of their more advanced features, better reliability and lower maintenance costs as compared with Proton or Perodua. Now as the technology is going ahead in automobile industry, countries are manufacturing hybrid and alternative-fuel vehicles in which BRAZIL rank first in selling this types of cars. Here , Malaysia is out of the sync they neither manufactured or assembled locally .But to support the use of alternative-fuel cars and electric or hybrid cars they need to develop a national system to supply such fuel (e.g. natural gas). Also need to develop a system for the convenient charging of the batteries on highways, and service stations. For develop strategies the NAP has not given incentives. As the people of country has much restriction for buying NNC the Government must take bold steps to reform the automotive industry. With their global marketing strategies, Malaysia can emerge as a focal point of their new supply chains, particularly for components of advance technology car for the huge china market Other steps government can take that they have large reserves of natural gas,they should also take immediate steps to establish a national natural-gas supply system for natural-gas cars. This infrastructure is crucial for the mass utilization of this alternative fuel vehicle Further the research has been shown that how Malaysia automotive industry will be grow in coming years The government has been avidly promoting green vehicles, such as hybrids and electric vehicles (EVs). This is reflected by the exemption of import and excise duties for hybrid vehicles. The development of Electric vehicles technology and infrastructure will be spearheaded by the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation under the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water; with active collaboration from the Malaysian Automotive Institute (MAI) and Proton. ASSOCIATION Federation of Malaya Motor Traders Association or FMMTA established in the year 1960and the main objective was to discuss issues relating to the Motor Industry. And that many names changes of this association and finally in 2000 it name became The Malaysian automotive association established with the aim to encourage, promote and protect the interest of the Automotive Industry in Malaysia. The main scope of this association Develop and protect interest of Members. Make common representation to Governmental Agencies on issues affecting the Motor Vehicle Industry. Communicate with the public through various media on industry issues, position and objectives. Now Malaysia is focuses on investment in high technology and capital intense industry at target focusing on green technology and new merging technologies. There is a continuous growth and they are finding alternatives investments from foreign companies The government had also liberalized in many sector so that foreign companies participates in equity Indian investment of $1.2 billion was done in manufacturing sector. Technology in banknote: The Malaysian government have used the latest banknote technology so that the security is maintained This increases the security features and the new technology have certain thing such as shadow, image, watermark portrait with fixed and colored glossy patch. This will also be helpful to the people to the people cannot see properly as it has tactile can to identification so that it would be can to identify and differentiate the denomination. Greener technology: It is a great potential in the solar energy and is putting lots of efforts for the development of this sector As we know that Malaysian is a developing economy who wants to move towards a technology driven world and high technology manufacturing type of development and there it is copying the NIES. Malaysia is considered to be the country which has a potential to develop and invest new technologies on their own without taking the help of other countries. The development in the technological field is very much in Malaysia. This development in the technology is catching attention of other countries. As Malaysia and the NIES are situated in the same region and to a certain point they have same economy and the trade methods. Malaysia has a very firm basis so that they can make its own tactical developments by seeing the NIE strategies and by using the proper method they can achieve the growth in the business. As it is not possible for Malaysia to bring the technology models from other NIES. As all the countries in NIES have different technology and they are using different method for development in the high technology market. As there is lot of dissimilarity in the technology it becomes difficult for the country to adopt this technology very easily and used this technology efficiently in their domestic market. So there are not a single strategy that can be adopted from other countries which would satisfy that this would succeed in the technology in Malaysia. Malaysia need to adopt new technology for the development so that they can best use the strategy. The strategies that can be used to evaluate the technology of Malaysia is their capability of development. The capabilities can be evaluated based on two types: (1) Product Technology (2) Process Technology. The resources based strategies can be evaluated based on the performance of a company how they best used the resources is very uniquely. As we know that the resources of the materials are equally divided in the heterogeneous manner the difference that remains become equal. There is also a connection between the firms things and the advantage they get i.e. the competitive advantage. The tactical resources that are to be evaluated are Human Resources, Research and Development etc. The development and the success of the country depend upon the development of policies and how they execute their plans and policies at the national level. Malaysia has used several strategies and they have used different policies to a great extent so the resources that are to be allocated, the various skills needed should be developed are done very perfectly. Malaysian government have also formed various guidelines to enter the technology in their country. And so that they can match this economies with other countries economies. When we talk about the human capital Malaysian is lagging behind because the population there is very lass so when it comes to using human capital it is relatively less as compared to other countries. Singapore is developing good system and training centers so that they give education to everyone and can convert this unskilled working people into highly skilled people. Technology development also includes research and development part. When it comes to development if there is no proper Research and Development the country cannot make progress. The investment put in research and development of Malaysia was very less and if we see the patents that is given to Malaysia is very less. The main reason that is a back draw point for RD is the financial aspect and lack of skill people in the field of research and development. For the development of country and also for RD market research is also important because if we want to enter into the market then we should know what are factors that are existing in the market so that one can work accordingly. Mostly RD research funds are provided in the field of electronic industry which is contributing more to the GDP of Malaysia. It is a problem for Malaysia as the heavily depend upon the export of the electronic products and there for some where they have to develop other technologies also so that they can do well and develop technology. Foreign technology transfer plays an important role in the technology and in this JAPAN and US are two major players in FDI sources in the technology development of Malaysia.
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